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Ed Sheeran / Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Growing Up
ID 1126




Ed Sheeran / Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Growing Up


Ed Sheeran / Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Growing Up

They say boys don't cry (他们说,男孩从不流泪)
But your dad has shed a lot of tears (但是你的父亲已经流过很多眼泪)
They say I should be a strong man (他们说,我应该变成一个强壮的男人)
But baby, I'm still filled with fear (但是亲爱的孩子,我内心依旧有很多恐惧和担心)
Sometimes I don't know who I am (有时候我也不知道我自己到底是个怎么样的人)
Sometimes I question why I'm here (有时候我也会问自己为什么我会在这里)
I just wanna be a good dad (我现在,只想做一个好的父亲)
Will I be? I have no idea (我会吗?我也不知道)
They say girls shouldn't be tough (他们说,女孩不应该太过坚强)
And moms should raise their kids at home (女孩只应该在家照顾孩子)
But baby, I know that that isn't true (但是亲爱的,我知道这不是真的)
Cause your momma's the toughest person I know (因为你的母亲是我见过最坚强的人)
I wanna raise you to be like her (我希望你长大能够成为像她一样的人)
And watch you show the world how to do it on your own (我想见证你的成长,看着你一点一点闯荡世界)
I'm still tryna figure out who I am (我依旧在努力探寻真我)
I don't wanna mess this up or do this wrong (我不想把这一辈子弄的混乱不堪或者在错误的轨道上不断前进)
I'm gonna be there for your first breath (我想在你降生的那一刻把我的一切理清)
I don't know if I'll be there for your first step (我不知道,你学会走路的时候我能否站在你的对面拥抱你)
I can promise you that I'll try to work less (但是我会保证,我会尽量把我的一切时间留给你)
But the tour's routed, and I got this album (或许命运已经安排好,就像如今唱的这首歌)
Put in so many hours, and I just want the outcome (已经付出这么多的时间,我只想知道结果会是怎样)
To be something that I can look back and I can be proud of (这是否让我此生无憾,多年后的回首我能否依旧充满骄傲)
Don't wanna be a dad that's living in FaceTime (我不要做一个只存在在FaceTime视频中的爸爸)
But I've got a world to sing to and you at the same time (但是,我有你,也有一整个要为之歌唱的世界)
I won't spoil you, you can trust that (你要相信,我并不想宠坏你,你知道的对吗?)
For your sweet sixteen, you get a bus pass (或许在你十六岁的生日上,我会送你一张公交卡)
Had your heart broken? Been there, done that (如果你伤心难过,到世界各地去找我吧)
I love you and I can't give you enough of that (我爱你,你感受到的爱远不及我内心中的那么多那么多)
Get back to community that raised you up (回到那个你长大的地方吧)
Read Langston Hughes, I suggest "A Raisin in the Sun" (读一读 Langston Hughes的作品吧,也许“阳光下的葡萄干”会是个不错的选择)
Listen to Sam Cooke, a change gon' come (听一听Sam Cooke吧,也许“即将到来的改变”会是个很好的推荐)
You put the work in, don't worry about the praise, my love (亲爱的孩子,你要学会不要为了获得称赞而工作)
Don't try to change the world, find something that you love (亲爱的孩子,你不要试图改变这个世界,要试着找到你的爱好所在)
And do it every day (每天都和你爱的部分在一起)
Do that for the rest of your life (从生至死)
And eventually, the world will change (最后,你会发现这个世界因你改变)
I'll be patient, one more month (我会很耐心的看着你长大,日复一日年复一年)
You'll wrap your fingers 'round my thumb (你可爱的小拳头会攥住我的大拇哥)
Times are changing, I know, but who am I (时光慢慢流淌,但是我永远清楚的知道我是你的谁)
If I'm the person you become (如果你终将成为像我一样的人)
If I'm still growing up, up, up, up (如果我也会不断成长)
If I'm still growing up, up, up, up (如果我也会不断成长)
I'm still growing up (我必须不断成长)
I recommend that you read "The Alchemist" (亲爱的孩子,我推荐你读读“牧羊少年奇幻之旅”)
Listen to your teachers, but cheat in calculus (微积分什么的做作弊也无妨,但是一定要认认真真的听课)
Tell the truth, regardless of the consequence (不论结果会是什么,一定要说真话,一定要真诚)
And every day, give your momma a compliment (每天,请记住夸一夸你的妈妈)
Take your girl to the prom (亲爱的孩子,一定记住要带上你的姐妹去毕业舞会)
But don't get too drunk hanging out the limo (但是不要喝醉随便坐着加长豪车离开)
Slow dance with your woman in your arms (慢慢的在妈妈的怀里学会跳舞)
Sneak her in after but boy, you better tiptoe (约会后,可以偷偷溜回家,但是男孩子嘛,最好踮着脚离开)
Don't wake your mom up,do yoga, learn 'bout karma (不要惊动妈妈,悄悄学学瑜伽,或者因果报应之类的理论)
Find God, but leave the dogma (找到你内心中的神,但是不要过分依赖教条)
The quickest way to happiness? Learning to be selfless (活得开心的最简单的路径是学会无私的分享)
Ask more questions, talk about yourself less (多关心别人,少谈论自己)
Study David Bowie, James Baldwin and 2Pac (多了解了解David Bowie,James Baldwin,和2pac)
Watch the sun set with best friends from a rooftop (试试和好朋友一起坐在屋檐上看美好的日落)
Wear a helmet, don't be stupid,jaywalk, but look before you do it (可以试试任性的乱穿马路,但是不要犯傻,一定记得带好头盔看好路况,再欢乐的蹦过马路)
If it snows, go outside, build a jump, get some help (如果下雪了,去外面做个滑梯,好好玩,但是一定要有人在边上看着你)
Get a sled, thrash the hill with your friends, 'til it melts (如果雪停了,去商场买副滑板,高山滑雪,和最好的朋友享受人生)
Go to festivals, camp, fall in love and dance (去享受节日的狂欢,感受野营的刺激,体验爱的美好,再跳一场酣畅的舞)
You're only young once, my loved one, this is your chance (我亲爱的孩子,年轻只有一次,时光并不倒流,这是你唯一享受人生的机会)
Take risks, cause life moves so fast (去冒险吧,去尝试吧,让人生充满价值并且不断前行)
You're only young once, my loved one, this is your chance (我亲爱的孩子,年轻只有一次,时光并不倒流,这是你唯一享受人生的机会)
I'll be patient, one more month (我会很耐心的看着你长大,日复一日年复一年)
You'll wrap your fingers round my thumb (你可爱的小拳头会攥住我的大拇哥)
Times are changing, I know, but who am I (时光慢慢流淌,但是我永远清楚的知道我是你的谁)
If I'm the person you become (如果你终将成为像我一样的人)
If I'm still growing up, up, up, up (如果我也会不断成长)
I'm still growing up, up, up, up (我必须不断成长)
I'll be patient, one more month (我会很耐心的看着你长大,日复一日年复一年)
You'll wrap your fingers round my thumb (你可爱的小拳头会攥住我的大拇哥)
Times are changing, I know, but who am I (时光慢慢流淌,但是我永远清楚的知道我是你的谁)
If I'm the person you become (如果你终将成为像我一样的人)
If I'm still growing up, still growing up, still growing up (如果我也会不断成长)
If I'm still growing up, still growing up, still growing up (如果我也会不断成长)
I'm still growing up (我必须不断成长)
I'm still growing up, ooh (我在和你一起长大,噢~)
I'm still growing up (我在和你一起)
I'm still growing up (成长)

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