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Baby Don't Cry (Keep Ya Head Up II) - 2Pac / Outlawz
ID 1998




Baby Don't Cry (Keep Ya Head Up II) - 2Pac / Outlawz


Baby Don't Cry (Keep Ya Head Up II) - 2Pac / Outlawz

2pac -baby don't cry (宝贝,别哭)
I feel you {uhh}..(baby don't) (我能感受到你(宝贝,别…))
But you can't,you can't give up (但是你不能,不能放弃)
{hey..2pac what?} ((嘿,2Pac你怎么了?))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Cry{outlawz} ((这里是Outlawz))
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使路途艰险,希望你不要放弃)
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {keep ya head up} (即使路途艰险,希望你不要放弃(继续高昂吧))
Now here's a story bout a woman with dreams (现在我有一个故事,关于一个满怀梦想的女性)
So picture perfect at thirteen,an ebony queen (十三岁的她完美无瑕,是位乌黑色的王后)
Beneath the surface it was more than just a crooked smile (在她的外表下不只有狡黠的微笑)
Nobody knew about her secret so it took a while (她的秘密无人知晓,一直隐藏在身上)
I could see a tear fall slow down her black cheek (我能看到一滴眼泪缓慢流淌过她黝黑的脸颊)
Sheddin quiet tears in the back seat;so when she asked me, (当她在后座问起我的时候,眼泪安静地簌簌掉落)
'what would you do if it was you?' (“如果换作是你,你会怎样做?”)
Couldn't answer such a horrible pain to live through (我无法回答这样一个历经痛苦磨难的人)
I tried to trade places in the tragedy (我试图在这场悲剧之中换位思考)
I couldn't picture three crazed ****** grabbin me (我无法想象三个疯狂抓住我的黑鬼)
For just a moment i was trapped in the pain,lord come and take me (那一瞬间我被痛苦裹挟,祈求神灵降临将我带走)
Four ****** violated,they chased and they raped me (四个黑鬼侵犯了我,他们追上我,强奸我)
Even though it wasn't me,i could feel the grief (即使受害者不是我,我仍然能感受到悲痛)
Thinkin with your brains blown that would make the pain go (你想靠磕药来麻痹大脑,让痛苦消失)
No!you got to find a way to survive (不能这样!你得找到办法逃脱)
Cause they win when your soul dies (因为若你灵魂死去,赢家就将成为他们)
Baby please don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝请别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使道路艰险,希望你永不放弃)
Baby don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使道路艰险,希望你永不放弃)
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {never give up} (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃(不要放弃))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up {never give up} (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂(不要放弃))
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃)
Baby don't cry (宝贝别哭)
Forget him girl (forget him girl)he ain't gon'never change (忘记他吧,姑娘,他永远不会改变)
I ain't no hater but that ***** lost in the game (我不是心存妒忌,但那个家伙确实在事业中丢了自己)
After the bright lights and big thangs (他经历过繁华都市,在大场面中穿梭)
He probably could loev you,but he in love with the struggle (他或许会爱你吧,但是他更爱打拼工作)
Everyday,his mind on gettin mo'(gettin mo') (每一天,他都想要得到更多的钱(得到更多))
And never your feelings,he's chasin millions fo'sho' (罔顾你的感受,他只关心梦中的百万美金)
Uh oh (uh oh),now you bout to have his baby?(dayamn) (啊欧,现在你要给他生孩子了?(靠))
Another wild-ass ***** that's gon'drive you crazy (你会想要有下一个混蛋把你逼疯吗?)
You got too much,mo',livin to do -i'm spittin this to you, (你有太多家务事要做,我对你吐槽这些,是因为)
Cause you deserve more than what he givin to you (that's right) (他给你的远不及你所应得的(没错))
Beautiful,black,precious,and complicated (你如此美丽,黑皮肤,珍贵且内涵丰富)
A new millennium dime piece,so fine she (一位新千年的绝世佳人,如此美好)
Got em all stuck standin still when she come through (当她经过时,所有人都会为她驻足)
Baby take a little mo'time,love'll find you (宝贝,多等待些时日,你会遇见真爱)
And show us the sky's blue somebody other than me (那时一切都会晴空万里,但不是和我,会是别人)
Gon'give you everything you need,feel me? (一个愿意满足你一切愿望的人,懂我的意思吗?)
{don't cry-ahhhhh..} (别哭了……)
Baby don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {you'll be alright} (即使道路艰险,你也不要放弃(你会好起来的))
Baby don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {you'll be alright} (即使道路艰险,你也不要放弃(你会好起来的))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {keep your head up} (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃(继续将头颅高昂))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up {never give up} (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂(不要放弃))
Even when the road is hard,never give up {no no..ohhhh} (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃(不要,不要……))
Baby don't cry (宝贝别哭)
I'm tryin to do all that i can,from jump (我想尽自己所能帮助你)
Now you losin,you was choosin the wrong man (从开始到现在你都输了,你选择了错的男人)
Dealt the wrong hand,you was young and beautiful (打错了人生的牌,那时你还年轻漂亮)
Lost and turned out,what you let that ***** do to you?(damn) (满盘皆输,步入迷途,你就让他这么对待你?(靠))
I knew her since elementary,she blew a kiss to me (我从小学就认识她,那时她给了我一个吻)
Wrote me a note in crayon,wantin to get with me (用蜡笔给我写一张便条,说想和我在一起)
We was kids,now she got three kids (那时我们还是孩子,现在她有了三个孩子)
They see their father e'ryday,and they don't know who he is (他们每天都能看到他们的父亲,而他们并不知道父亲到底是谁)
Seen him last night,homey roll a e-class (我昨天晚上还碰到他,这哥们儿开着一辆好车)
Mad cheese in the stash,still a deadbeat dad (他存了很多钱,但他是个不要脸的父亲)
I bring her,pampers and food,just to stop through (我带给她尿片和食物,只是为了稍作停留)
But those,ain't my seeds,nuttin really i could do (nah) (但是这些不是我的孩子,我能做的不多)
I feel pity for you,you ain't even his wife (我真同情你,你甚至没有妻子的名分)
Seventeen with three kids,locked down for life (十七岁的人生困在了三个孩子之上)
Shoulda chose me,she bout to o.d.from the pressure (她当初应该选择我的,如今她只能磕药解压)
Hell nah i won't let her {baby don't cry} (天呐我不能弃之不管(宝贝别哭))
Baby don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {you'll be alright} (即使道路艰险,也不要放弃(你会好起来的))
Baby don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {baby don't cry} (即使道路艰险,也不要放弃(宝贝别哭))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {baby baby baby} (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃(宝贝 宝贝 宝贝……))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up {no..} (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂(不要))
Even when the road is hard,never give up {no-ohhhh} (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃(不要))
Baby don't cry,i gotta keep your head up (宝贝别哭,我要让你将头颅继续高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使道路艰险,也不要放弃)
Baby don't cry,you got to keep your head up (宝贝别哭,你得继续将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up {ooooh baby} (即使道路艰险,也不要放弃(哦,宝贝))
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃)
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up {keep your head up} (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
{keep your head up,never give up} ((继续将头颅高昂,决不放弃))
Even when the road is hard,never give up,baby don't cry (即使道路艰险,你也不要放弃,宝贝别哭)
Uhh,uhh,yeah,don't give up {you'll be alright} (啊对,决不放弃(你会好起来的))
Don't cry,don't cry,don't cry (宝贝别哭,别哭)
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃)
Baby don't cry,i hope you got your head up (宝贝别哭,希望你将头颅高昂)
Even when the road is hard,never give up,baby don't cry (即使道路艰险,希望你不要放弃,宝贝别哭)
For all the ladies {soulshock,karlin} (唱给所有的女性们)
Baby don't cry (宝贝别哭)
Got to keep your head up {keep your head up} (继续将头颅高昂(继续将头颅高昂))
Makaveli the don {head up}aight? (玛卡薇里,别低头,好吗?)

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