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Eminem / Beyoncé - Walk On Water
ID 3366




Eminem / Beyoncé - Walk On Water


Eminem / Beyoncé - Walk On Water

作词 : Marshall Mathers/H. Hafermann/B. Knowles
作曲 : Marshall Mathers/H. Hafermann/B. Knowles
I walk on water (我行走在水面之上)
But I ain't no Jesus (但我并无耶稣的神力)
I walk on water (我行走在那水面上)
But only when it freezes (****) (仅当那河水冻结成冰的时候)
Why are expectations so high? Is it the bar I set? (为什么期望总是如此之高 是我所致吗)
My arms, I stretch, but I can't reach (我伸出手臂 却总是难以企及)
A far cry from it, or it's in my grasp, but as (它与我似有天壤之别 却也被我握在手间)
Soon as I grab, squeeze (但我越想去捏住抓紧)
I lose my grip like the flyin' trapeze (就如凌高空秋千 失衡坠跌下去)
Into the dark I plummet, now the sky's blackening (步入黑暗之中 我骤然陷入深渊里 天空渐渐变得黑暗阴郁)
I know the mark's high (我深知曾经的功名与成绩)
Butterflies rip apart my stomach (如今紧张与不安在我心间翻涌不停)
Knowin' that no matter what bars I come with (深知不管我写下什么样的词句)
You're gonna harp, gripe, and (你都只会吐槽抱怨个不停)
That's a hard Vicodin to swallow, so I scrap these (难以吞下的维柯丁)
As pressure increases like khakis (与那倍增的压力一起 我都弃若敝履)
I feel the ice cracking, because (我感受到冰层在渐渐消融碎裂开去 只因)
I walk on water (我行走在水面之上)
But I ain't no Jesus (但我并无耶稣的神力)
I walk on water (Shit) (我行走在那水面上)
But only when it freezes (仅当那河水冻结成冰的时候)
It's the curse of the standard
That the first of the Mathers disc set (为我施下高质量的诅咒)
Always in search of the verse that I haven't spit yet (总是苦苦将那还未被我唾弃的最完美的词句找寻)
Will this step just be another misstep (这踏出的每步又是否只是误入歧途而已)
To tarnish whatever the legacy, love or respect (玷污了我苦苦积累的受人敬爱 如遗产般珍贵的东西)
I've garnered? The rhyme has to be perfect (押韵一定要工整完美)
The delivery flawless (表达一定要无暇无缺)
And it always feels like I'm hittin' the mark (如今总是想去冲击从前的高度)
'Til I go sit in the car, listen and pick it apart (直到我坐在那熟悉的车中 细细品味回忆)
Like, "This **** is garbage!" (才发现这根本就如同废品)
God's given me all this (上帝给予了我这些功名)
Still I feel no different regardless (而我并不觉得上天对我有所偏心)
Kids look to me as a god, this is retarded (孩子们视我为神 在我看来真的愚蠢无比)
If only they knew, it's a facade and it's exhaustive (多希望他们明白 华丽外表之下的空洞与虚伪)
And I try not to listen to nonsense (我试图不去理会世俗的荒谬)
But if you ******* are tryin' to strip me of my confidence (但如果你想击毁剥夺我的自信)
Mission accomplished (恭喜你任务成功)
I'm not God-sent, Nas, Rakim, Pac, B.I.G., James Todd Smith (我并不是神眷之人 也不如Nas 不如Rakim 不如2pac 不如Notorious B.I.G. 不如LL Cool J)
And I'm not Prince, so (也更不是Prince)
I walk on water (我行走在水面之上)
But I ain't no Jesus (但我并无耶稣的神力)
I walk on water (我行走在那水面上)
But only when it freezes (仅当那河水冻结成冰的时候)
'Cause I'm only human, just like you (我只是与你无别的凡人而已)
Making my mistakes, oh if you only knew (如果你知道的话 我也会犯下过错也有失误)
I don't think you should believe in me the way that you do (我不觉得你应该那样相信着我)
'Cause I'm terrified to let you down, oh (我真的害怕让你失望)
It's true, I'm a Rubik's — a beautiful mess (没错 我就像是魔方 错综复杂却美丽着)
At times juvenile, yes, I goof and I jest (年少轻狂的时候 我也曾爱鬼混爱炫耀过)
A flawed human, I guess (我想 也算是个缺点无数的人了)
But I'm doin' my best to not ruin your (但我真的已竭尽全力 不去辜负你的期望)
Expectations and meet 'em, but first (迎合你的愿望)
The "Speedom" verse, now Big Sean (但先是Speedom 后是和Big Sean合作的No Favors)
He's goin' too fast (他这样滔滔不绝)
Is he gonna shout or curse out his mom? (是否是在怒吼诅咒他的妈妈呢)
There was a time I had the world by the balls (曾有一段时间我掌控着整个世界)
Eatin' out my palm (将其玩弄于股掌之间)
Every album song I was spazzin' the **** out on (每张专辑每首曲子都让我呕心沥血为之疯狂)
And now I'm gettin' clowned and frowned on (现在我变成了小丑 人人见我都将眉头紧皱)
But the only one who's looking down on me (连DeShaun 我最亲爱的挚友)
That matters now's DeShaun (也轻蔑鄙视起我 而那对我真的是难以释怀的)
Am I lucky to be around this long? (我能红火如此之久 是否只是幸运使然)
Begs the question though (这问题就摆在我面前)
Especially after the methadone (尤当我经历了美沙酮的洗礼后)
As yesterday fades and the Dresden home (旧日已逝)
Is burnt to the ground (德累斯顿的家已焚成飞灰烟末)
And all that's left of my house is lawn (只剩下野草生长着)
The crowds are gone (曾经的人潮渐渐走光)
And it's time to wash out the blonde (是时候将金发洗掉了)
Sales decline, the curtains drawn (销售量骤跌 帷幕下降)
They're closin' the set (表演就将结束)
I'm still pokin' my head from out behind (我仍在大幕之后 挣扎着向将头探出)
And everyone who has doubt, remind (那些心存疑虑的人们 动脑子想想)
Now take your best rhyme, outdo it (拿出你押得最好的韵 试着超越它)
Now do it a thousand times (超越它千百次试试看)
Now let 'em tell ya the world no longer cares (然后让这个世界告诉你)
Or gives a **** about your rhymes (没人再关注你理会你的陈词滥句 看看你作何感想)
And as I grow outta sight, outta mind (如今我要从眼前的一切 心中的桎梏中走出来)
I might go outta mine (做一个全新的自己)
'Cause how do I ever let this mic go without a fight (我不会白白让手中的麦克风被夺走)
When I made a ******' tightrope outta twine? (到底什么时候开始我从一无所有走到了现在)
But when I do fall from these heights though, I'll be fine (当我从这万丈高空中坠落的时候 我将怡然不惧)
I won't pout or cry or spiral down or whine (我不会动怒或是落泪 抱怨或是哀嚎)
But I'll decide if it's my final bow this time around, 'cause (但这是不是谢幕前的鞠躬还得我说了算 只因)
I walk on water (我行走在水面之上)
But I ain't no Jesus (但我并无耶稣的神力)
I walk on water (我行走在那水面上)
But only when it freezes (仅当那河水冻结成冰的时候)
'Cause I'm only human, just like you (我只是与你无别的凡人而已)
I've been making my mistakes, oh if you only knew (如果你知道的话 其实我一直以来都犯下了无数失误)
I don't think you should believe in me the way that you do (我不觉得你应该那样相信着我)
'Cause I'm terrified to let you down, oh (我真的害怕让你失望)
If I walked on water, I would drown (若你让我行走在那水面 我定会溺毙其间)
'Cause I'm just a man (我只是个凡人而已)
But as long as I got a mic, I'm godlike (手握麦克风的那刻我才如神一般)
So me and you are not alike (别把我和你相提并论)
*****, I wrote "Stan" (是我写下了Stan)

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