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Hopsin / Michael Speaks - Marcus' Gospel
ID 3585




Hopsin / Michael Speaks - Marcus' Gospel


Hopsin / Michael Speaks - Marcus' Gospel

[Verse 1: Hopsin]
I done lost myself again (我受够了再次迷失自己)
I done lost myself in sin (我受够了在罪恶中的自己)
I've been burned by selfish men (我死了 死的时候是一个自私的人)
I've been died but held it in (我死过一次 但我忍住了)
I do not want hell to win (我不想让地狱获胜)
Life's cold, I done felt the wind (生活很冷酷 我受够了风中凌乱)
Could it be any clearer? (还能再明白一点么)
When I look in the mirror (当我看着镜子的时候)
I just see a jackass with a tail to pin (我只看到个混蛋)
Me and my family ain't close (我和我的家庭也不亲近)
So I got some fame and went ghost (我稍微出了点名 就找不到人了)
I am not paintin' a hoax (我没骗你)
You can hear the pain in my flows (你能在我的说唱里听到我的痛苦)
They say that life has it's ups and downs (他们说人生有起必有落)
But why do I stay in the lows? (为什么我总在低谷)
I don't like Marcus, I don't like Hopsin (我不喜欢Marcus 也不喜欢Hopsin)
I am ashamed of them both (我对他们两个都很不耻)
You see, all that I have is my money (你看 我穷的只剩下钱了)
I had no idea that this was coming (我真的不知道会这样)
I fell into the stereotype of a rapper (我成为了一个刻板印象中的Rapper)
I'm how they package a dummy (我是他们眼中的笨蛋)
This is my reality I embrace (这就是我要拥抱的现实)
I look back and I can see my mistakes (我回头看 就能看到我的错误)
I just wish that I could rewind the days (我只希望时光能够倒流)
I honestly don't want to be out of place (我真的不想这么格格不入)
I guess we gotta face (我猜我们都需要面对吧)
All these issues like this as a human sometimes (那些生而为人的痛苦)
Yes, I am losin' my mind (没错 我快要疯了)
If you ever come to that conclusion, it's fine (如果你也这么认为 没事的)
Don't ignore all of the proof and the signs (不要忽视这些证据还有启示)
I made my bed, I'ma lay in it (我给自己铺好了床 自己躺了上去)
The thought is as soothin' as wine (这想法和酒一样抚慰心灵)
Now all need is a suit and a tie, I tried (真的需要一套正装 我尝试过)

[Chorus: Michael Speaks]
In my lowest times (在我最低落的时候)
I have failed to see (我没有预见到)
Sunny days are waiting (阳光终将来临)
I'm in need of some company (我需要些陪伴)
God, please help this pain (上帝啊 请帮帮我)
'Cause I don't wanna ever see (因为我不想再看到)
This lonely road again (这条孤独的路)
(This lonely road again) (这条孤独的路)

[Verse 2: Hopsin]
Take it away, I want the peace, I want the happiness (我想要平和 我想要幸福)
I took a blindfolded shot, it was accurate (我盲目的开了一枪 结果还打的挺准)
But in my heart I know I never asked for this (但是我知道我并不是真心想要这个)
See, this life I'm in, it seem miraculous (我现在的生活 看上去真的很棒)
Who knew I'd break a few bones when I tackled it? (可谁知道 但我面对他的时候也断了几根骨头)
It's been years and I still can't adapt to it (好几年了 我还是不能适应)
I cannot predict what my next chapter is (我也不知道我的未来是什么)
There's a hearse speedin' fast in the ashes and (灵车在尘土中告诉行驶)
I feel like I lay flat in the back of it (我感觉躺在里面的人就是我)
There's no love in my eyes, so look up in the sky (我的眼中没有爱 所以只能仰望天空)
Bring me back like you did Lazarus (让我复生吧 好像是Lazarus(圣经中 Lazarus死后的第四天 被耶稣复活))
I can hear the devil whispering, "Come play!" (我能听到魔鬼在说“快来吧”)
Injecting me softly with numb pain (用麻木的痛苦轻柔的往我身体内注射)
My fingers are covered in blood stains (我的手指上都是血迹)
It's torturing I see in my son's aid (看不到我的孩子Zade就是种折磨(因为孩子妈妈向澳洲方面指控Hopsin家暴 H不得已去澳大利亚 孩子也在澳洲))
But one day, that will all change (但终有一天 这会改变)
When the fog strays, it's a lost page (当迷雾散去 这只不过是丢失的一页)
That had blown away into the hallways (被吹到了走廊上)
In the land where the wild dogs play (在这里野狗们猖獗)
When you're confined into a small space (而你只能被局限在一个小空间里)
You will know that that's enough to cause rage (你知道这足够让你暴怒了)
I'ma kick until the ******' walls break (我要一直干 直到这面墙倒了)
I don't know what made me walk straight (我不知道是什么让我走向)
Into this fire, my soul is burnin' quick (火场,我的灵魂在燃烧)
I've been told this isn't permanent (总有人跟我说 这不是永远的)
Growin' up, my father made a lot of mistakes (童年里 我爸就犯了很多错)
I do not know why I didn't learn from his (我不知道为什么我没有吸取教训)
Can you direct me to where the furnace is? (你能带我去火炉么)
I need to do away with pain that's lurkin' and (我需要脱离苦海)
Maybe figure out what my new purpose is (也许还能想清楚我究竟是为了什么)
All these bad vibes are so discouragin' (这些坏心情真的让人泄气)

[Chorus: Michael Speaks]
In my lowest times (在我最低落的时候)
I have failed to see (我没有预见到)
Sunny days are waiting (阳光终将来临)
I'm in need of some company (我需要些陪伴)
God, please help this pain (上帝啊 请帮帮我)
'Cause I don't wanna ever see (因为我不想再看到)
This lonely road again (这条孤独的路)
(This lonely road again) (这条孤独的路)
In my lowest times (在我最低落的时候)
I have failed to see (我没有预见到)
Sunny days are waiting (阳光终将来临)
I'm in need of some company (我需要些陪伴)
God, please help this pain (上帝啊 请帮帮我)
'Cause I don't wanna ever see (因为我不想再看到)
This lonely road again (这条孤独的路)
(This lonely road again) (这条孤独的路)

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