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Eminem / P!nk - Need Me
ID 3648




Eminem / P!nk - Need Me


Eminem / P!nk - Need Me

作词 : Marshall Mathers
作曲 : Marshall Mathers
You're drunk, the coffee is burned (你又一次酩酊大醉 炉上的咖啡持续沸腾)
I hate to find you like this (我实在是不愿见你如此颓废)
I always find you like this (可是每一次你都是这般模样)
I come home and clean up your mess (我回家帮你收拾一地狼藉)
What would you do without that? (如果没有我你会怎样)
Why do I always come back? (可是为何我每一次还是返身折回)
Oh, what I wouldn't do for you (哦 还有什么是我不能为你做的)
And I'm starting to think maybe you need me (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 或许你还是需要我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是离不开我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是需要我)
And I'm starting to think maybe you need me (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 或许你还是需要我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是离不开我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是需要我)
Some nights I want to run for the hills (有时我想要逃离 趁夜色翻越山岭)
It's never easy with you (与你一起时重担总是落在我肩)
I cannot reason with you (我甚至无可推脱争辩)
But your smile is as rare as it comes (可是你治愈我心的笑又是难得)
What would I do without that (不知没有你的笑容我还能坚持多久)
Maybe that's why I come back (或许这便是为何我每一次都返身折回)
Oh, what I wouldn't do for you (哦 还有什么是我不能为你做的)
And I'm starting to think maybe you need me (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 或许你还是需要我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是离不开我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是需要我)
And I'm starting to think maybe you need me (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 或许你还是需要我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是离不开我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是需要我)
Starting to think we were made for each other (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 我们本是天造地设的一对)
But one of us in this relationship is raising the other (但是我在这段关系中太过宠溺你 自己的身段早已低入尘埃)
You remind me of my mother (你让我回想起我的母亲)
We drive one another crazy as each other (我们让彼此都身处折磨痛苦 癫狂不得解脱)
And we're both adults so there's no excuse (我们都不再是小孩子)
For the games that we play with each other (也无法为这场怪异的游戏再找借口)
Where you at? At a friend's? (你又在哪里?陪着你的朋友?)
No you ain't, ************ (你唬谁呢 当我傻子吗)
But I give her the benefit of the doubt (她让我心生疑虑 我会让她尝到这代价)
Whenever the doubt kicks in, shiver (无论何时这份猜忌敲叩心门 都不寒而栗)
When I touch her, 'cause I love her so much, I'm a sucker (每当我轻抚她的肌肤时 因为我是如此深爱着她 我真是愚不可及)
How her bottom lip can quiver when she's in trouble (我们的下唇会微微颤动 当她遭遇麻烦)
She's in hot water (身陷水深火热时)
Think I caught her cheating again (以为我还会再一次上她的当吗)
Give her another chance? Another one after that? (再给她一次机会?然后一而再再而三?)
I'm swimming in that Egyptian River cause I'm in denial (这一次我会否认拒绝 在尼罗河中畅游(in denial音同in the Nile))
Say I don't eat ****, but I got a ****-eating grin when I smile (我不会再对你动情 可为何克制不住对你的笑意)
Making an excuse for us to act it out (试图用借口掩饰我们这出可笑的闹剧)
She's just acting out, with her inner child (灵活运用着内心孩童的纯真充实着她的演技)
Then I set the truth on fire (我将真相付之一炬)
Cause I'd rather believe a lie then I breathe (我宁愿相信谎言 融入呼吸)
A sigh of relief, I don't believe in (将思绪长叹 也不愿相信这种真实)
Going to bed mad (带着怒意入睡)
I keep on trying to make a bad girl good (我正在努力改变她恶劣的本性)
But haven't I stood by you in good times? (难道过去的时刻不论艰难美好我们不曾共度吗)
And bad? I'm starting to feel like you're goddamn dad (我开始感觉你仿佛已不在人世)
'Cause I literally feel like you could die if ever should I (因为我真的觉得你会身陷“我本应该这样做吗”的歉疚中死去)
Leave you for good and never would, I (离开我你会更好是吗?我倒想看看)
It'd be all bad (只会更糟)
Never understood why they call it goodbye (不能理解为何人们说我们已经一刀两断)
But I think I'm a pretty damn good guy (我觉得我真他妈棒呆)
And you're a good person, too (你也相当不坏)
I can save you, I can make you change (我可以将拯救你 将你改变)
But I keep putting my ****** foot in my mouth (但我说的话语违我所愿 推你向深渊)
Every time I gotta come and bail you out (每一次都是我心软 将你保释)
When you get in trouble that you get yourself in (当你由因为自己糟糕的性格再次陷入麻烦)
And I'm in trouble, but I can't leave (我想念那些时刻 于是再无法摆脱)
I'll sell you out! I could never turn my ******' back on you (我会将你出卖 否则我再无法背过身去将你忘却)
What is that? (这感觉是怎样)
I'm co-dependant, I'm just now noticing it (我与她彼此依赖共生 我如今才有所意识)
But somehow it's like every time I'm about to go to end it (但是我每一次都像是要结束这关系)
I ain't got the cojones to do it (我实在没有勇气亲手终结)
Nor the heart, our apartment's tore apart (我的心不像百货公司般琳琅满目的商品)
You're using my heart for a dartboard (我的心犹如你手中飞镖对准的标靶)
But God must've aligned stars for us (上帝操控这一切 正中靶心得分不断)
'Cause somebody paired us up (因为我们被配对在一起)
And they say He ain't capable of making a mistake (人们说 上帝不会犯错 他的一举一动都是正确)
But this one's perfect (命运的安排便是完美)
'Cause I'm... (因为我...)
And I'm starting to think maybe you need me (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 或许你还是需要我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是离不开我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是需要我)
And I'm starting to think maybe you need me (脑海里思绪又开始飘飞 或许你还是需要我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是离不开我)
Maybe you need me (或许你还是需要我)

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