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Eminem / Alicia Keys - Like Home
ID 4019




Eminem / Alicia Keys - Like Home


Eminem / Alicia Keys - Like Home

作词 : Marshall Mathers
作曲 : Marshall Mathers
Shout to everybody (所有人听我说)
Who's been on this trip with me (陪我走过这么多年的各位)
You don't have to agree (我不需要你认同我的所有观点)
But if you feel like me (但如果你也有这种感觉)
Someone get this aryan a sheet (给这个叫川普的纳粹拿上一条裹尸布)
Time to bury him, so tell him to prepare to get impeached (这种老僵尸就应该回到土里 他离被弹劾也不远了)
Everybody on your feet (所有人都站起来 不要再卑躬屈膝)
This is where terrorism and heroism meets, (恐怖主义与英雄主义在这个国家正面交锋)
Square up in the streets (我们一起从零开始 从街头开始我们的反抗)
This chump barely even sleeps (这个黄毛老头没日没夜地刷推特)
All he does is watch Fox News like a parrot and repeats (简直是福克斯新闻的水军 鹦鹉学舌般只会重复他们的观点)
While he looks like a canary with a beak (这只尖嘴黄毛金丝雀只会在推特上叭叭叫)
Why you think banned transgenders from the military with a tweet? (你觉得他为什么发推特要禁止跨性别者参军?)
He's trying to divide us, this ****'s like a cult (他就是想要分裂我们 这时局真是魔幻)
But like Johnny, he'll only unite us (不像Johnny Unitas 名字里都带着团结)
'Cuz nothing inside drives us like this fight does (这场战争对我们每个人围追堵截)
Similar to when two cars collide 'cause our spirits are ed (好像是追车一般 意识形态的剧烈碰撞)
This spot's a tight one (没有丝毫喘息的空间)
But here the jaws of life come to pull us from the wreckage (但是我们不屈的性格终将带领这个国家摆脱混乱的局面)
That's what we get pride from (祖国就是我们自豪的源泉)
When we can't wear stars and stripes (我们不会辜负飘扬的星条旗)
'Cause this type of pickle we're in is hard to deal (这一片混沌看似无法挣脱)
But there's always tomorrow still (但是明天又是新的一天)
If we start from the scratch like a scab for scars to heal (如果我们反复撕开他的旧伤疤)
And band together for Charolettesville (为了那些被当局掩盖的真相)
And for heaven's fallen heroes (为了那些被辜负的英雄)
Fill his wall with murals, Nevada get up (让我们写满反抗的涂鸦占领他的高墙 内华达州 行动起来!)
Hit the damn resetter, let's start from zero (让一切恢复出厂设置 我们从零开始)
This is our renewal, spray tan get ride of (我们要涤清这污浊的就像他橘色皮肤一样的局面)
Get a brand new, better, America (建立起全新的 更美好的 美利坚)
And here's to where we're from (这就是我们的故乡)
This is where it all began, all began (stand up) (这就是一切开始的地方 一切都会欣欣向荣)
Here's to the land that made me (这生我养我的土地)
And made me who I am, who I am (hands up) (养成了我独立自由的人格)
Here's to the land that raised me (这养育我的神奇土地)
There's home for the only place that really knows me (这是我唯一的家园 与我血肉相连的故乡)
From the cracks in the road that drove me (地面上的裂纹 每一条我都熟悉)
There's no place like home (没有哪里比得上自己的家园)
Didn't wanna piss your base off, did ya? (你也不想得罪背后的势力 对不对?)
Can't denounce the klan, 'cause they play golf with ya (从不敢谴责三K党 陪着他们高尔夫也没少打)
You stay on Twitter, way to get your hate off, Nazi (推特就是你的阵地 供你传播种族歧视)
I do not see a way y'all differ (简直就是希特勒转世)
And all you got a race card biggot, (毕竟种族歧视是你们俩唯一的武器 偏执症状如出一辙)
The swastika with your name carved in it (你的遣词造句是那么有特色)
Should be your trademark, cause it's all you played off (你怎么不写到你家的商标上 你也就有这些把戏了)
And you just took the plate off, (看着你们全家吃相难看)
So I guess it pays to feed off of chaos (大概制造混乱也要花不少钱)
So basically, you Adolf Hitler (所以 你吃的东西应该跟希特勒差不多)
But you ain't ruining our country, punk (但是你不会让我们的国家分崩离析 你不配)
Or taking our pride from us (我们的尊严不会被你践踏)
You won't define us (你不能代表我们的立场)
'Cause like a dictionary, things are looking up (你自己查查 我们同意吗)
So much, got a sprained neck (太多太多 不堪的当局)
Know we would rise up (你知道我们迟早会奋起反抗)
Against this train wreck and take a stand (有我们自己的立场 不会让你阻止我们美利坚的脚步)
Even if it mean sitting when they raise the flag (哪怕我们会遭到迫害)
This ain't the Star Spangled Banner (总有一天 我们会骄傲地唱着国歌)
This man just praised a statue of General Lee, 'cause (川普还发推特赞美李将军)
He generally hates the black people, degrades hispanics (他就是歧视黑人 歧视拉美)
Take it back to the Shady national convention (2004年我在MTV见他)
Wish I would have spit on it before (多希望我能吐口水在手上)
I went to shake his hand at the event (然后再去跟他握手)
Or maybe had the wherewithal (多希望能被镜头捕捉下这一幕)
To know that he was gonna try to tear apart a sacred land (这个老妖怪想要分裂这片神圣的土地)
We cherish and stand for, so (我们珍视的 誓死守卫的土地)
Hands in the air, let's hear it for (举起手 一起大喊)
The start of a brand new America (我们一起建造全新的美利坚)
Without him, and be proud of where we're from (让他出局 为我们的祖国骄傲)
And here's to where we're from (这就是我们的故乡)
This is where it all began, all began (stand up) (这就是一切开始的地方 一切都会欣欣向荣)
Here's to the land that made me (这生我养我的土地)
And made me who I am, who I am (hands up) (养成了我独立自由的人格)
Here's to the land that raised me (这养育我的神奇土地)
There's home for the only place that really knows me (这是我唯一的家 唯一接受我的地方)
From the cracks in the road that drove me (地面上的裂纹 每一条我都熟悉)
There's no place like home (还有哪里能比得上我们的家园)
I won't give up (我不会放弃)
I won't give up on my home, that so many died for (我不会放弃我的家园 付出生命都在所不惜)
You already know that I won't give up (你已经明白我的决心)
I won't give up on my home, that so many died for (我不会放弃我的家园 多少鲜血换来的自由平等)
You already know there's no place like home, (想必你也知道 只有自己的家才是最美的地方)
No place like home (没有什么能比得上我的祖国)
Wherever I go, no place like home (不论身在何方 祖国都是我唯一的牵挂)
No place like home, no place like home (我的祖国在我心里无可比拟)
Wherever I go (不论游子身在何方)
This is where it all began, all began (stand up) (这就是一切开始的地方 一切都会欣欣向荣)
Here's to the land that made me (这生我养我的土地)
And made me who I am, who I am (hands up) (养成了我独立自由的人格)
Here's to the land that raised me (这养育我的神奇土地)
There's home for the only place that really knows me (这是我唯一的家园 与我血肉相连的故乡)
From the cracks in the road that drove me (地面上的裂纹 每一条我都熟悉)
There's no place like home (我最爱我的祖国)

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