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Legacy - Eminem
ID 43097




Legacy - Eminem


Legacy - Eminem

Tell me where to go, tell me what to do (告诉我去往何方 告诉我去做何事)
I’ll be right there for you (我就一直在你身旁)
Tell me what to say, don’t matter if it’s true (告诉我所言何物 真真假假不重要)
I’ll say it all for you (我就全部为你说出)
I used to be the type of kid would always think the sky is falling (我曾是那种总是杞人忧天的孩子,)

Why am I so differently wired ? Am I a martian ? (为什么我变得这么扭曲,我是异类么?)
What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in (我究竟遭受着什么样的变态实验?)
‘Cuz I don't belong in this world (正因为我与这个世界不合拍,)
That’s why I’m scoffing at authority, defiant often (我才会藐视权威、不断反抗。)
Flying off at the handle at my mom, no dad (从老妈的管束中挣脱出来,别管我老爸!)
So I’m non compliant at home, at school I’m just shy and awkward (在家里我叛逆不羁,在学校我胆怯笨拙。)

And I don’t need no goddamn psychologist (我才不需要什么心理医生!)
Trynna diagnose why I have all these underlying problems (非要查明为何我有这么多潜在的问题,)

Thinking he can try and solve them (自以为他能够解决它们。)
I’m outside chalking up drawings on the sidewalk (在街头记录下墙上的涂鸦,)
And in the front drive talking to myself (面向前方不由得自言自语:)
Either that or inside hiding off in the corner somewhere quiet (肉体和内心深处想找一片净土,)

Trying not to be noticed ‘cuz I’m crying and sobbing (不想被人发觉我已暗自哭泣。)
I had a bad day at school so I ain’t talking (今天上学过得糟糕懒得讲话,)
Some cocksucker shoved me into a fvcking locker (几个混球硬把我塞进了衣柜,)
Because he said that I eyeballed him (就因为他说我盯了他一眼!)
And if you fall, ill get you there (如果你失意跌倒 我将会把你扶起)
I’ll be your savior from all the wars that are fought inside your world (在你内心所承受的每一次苦难挣扎中 做你的救主)

Please have faith in my words (请牢记我的话语)
Because… This is my legacy, legacy (因为这是我的遗赠)
This is my legacy, legacy (我留予你的财富)
There’s no guarantee, it’s not up to me looking overseas (难以承诺 身不由己 面朝大海)
This is my legacy, legacy legacy, legacy (我留予你的所有财富)
I used to be the type of kid would always think the sky is falling (我曾是那种总是杞人忧天的孩子,)

Why am I so differently wired in my nogging? (为什么我变得这么扭曲,我是酒徒么?)
‘Cuz sporadic as my thoughts come, it’s mind boggling (想法间歇蹦出,心情迟疑不定;)
‘Cuz I obsess on everything and my mind it’s small sh*t (沉迷一切事物,脑袋就像浆糊。)
Bothers me but not my father, he said Sayonara, then split but I don’t give a sh*t. (自己烦得要死,老爸却说拜拜就走了!我也懒得去管了。)

I’m fine long as there’s batteries in my Walkman nothing is the matter with me (只要随身听有电,我一个人待着就好,谁都不会成打扰。)

sh*t look on the bright side at least I ain’t walking (丫看开点:至少我不是在走着。)
I bike ride through the neighborhood of my apartment Complex on a ten speed which (我骑着垃圾堆里捡的车筐和轮胎拼凑成的改装车,)

I’ve acquired parts that I found in the garbage, a frame then put tires on it, (甩着十档的速度飞速驶过楼下复式公寓的邻居家。)

Headphones on look straight ahead if kids try and start sh*t, (耳机缠绕过头顶,小孩们又想找茬。)
But if this all there is for me life offers (如果这就是生活给予我的一切,)
Why bother even try and put up a fight It's nonsense (为什么还要去挣扎呢?没意义啊!)
But i think a lightbulb just lit up in my conscience (但我觉得有一束光照进了我的内心,)
What about those rhymes I've been jottin' (想想那些一直默记的韵脚,)
They are kinda giving me confidence (也多少给了我点信心啊。)
Instead of tryina escape through my comics, (除了一味地逃避我的这些笑剧,)
Why don't I just blast a little something like Onyx (为啥不来点像Onyx(曾打败当年 Dr. Dre 的The Chronic,获得灵魂列车年度最佳饶舌奖)那样的猛料,)
To put me in the mood to wanna fight and write songs that (来搞得我想要去发飙,去写那种歌!)

Say what I wanna say to the kid that said that I eyeballed him (那个我瞪了你一眼的小孩,听好了:)

Grab hold of my balls like that's right fight's on b*tch (有种像个娘们打架一样抓我的蛋蛋!)
Who would've knew from the moment I turned the mic on (谁会知道我拿起话筒开始说唱的一刻,)

I could be iconic in my conquest (我就成了一种标杆(阿姆现象)。我的目标)
That’s word to Phife Dawg from a tribe called quest ... (就是超越Quest那样的五人说唱。)
Because… This is my legacy, legacy (因为这是我的遗赠)
This is my legacy, legacy (我留予你的财富)
There’s no guarantee, it’s not up to me looking overseas (难以承诺 身不由己 面朝大海)
This is my legacy, legacy legacy, legacy (我留予你的所有馈赠)
I used to be the type of kid that, would always think the sky is falling (我曾是那种总是杞人忧天的孩子,)

Now I think the fact that I'm differently wired's awesome (现在我倒觉得当个怪胎感觉也不赖。)
Cause if I wasn't I wouldn't be able to work (因为我不如此,就无法投入去创作)
Words like this and connect lines like crosswords (这样错综复杂的文字,互相交错。)
And use my enemy's words as strength (把敌人的恶语当作力量,)
To try and draw from, and get inspired off em (来试着描绘、获得灵感。)
Cause all my life I was told and taught I am not sh*t (我从小就被教育我并不差劲,)
By you wack f**king giant sacks of lying dog sh*t (而你们这群戆卵净他妈胡扯。)
Now you shut up b*tch I am talking (现在你闭嘴!轮我说话:)
Thought I was full of horsesh*t and now (觉得我谎话连篇?现在)
You f**king worship the ground on which I am walking (你却得仰望我走过的路!)
Me against the world so what? I'm Brian Dawkins (独挡世界又如何?我是Brian Dawkins--)
Versus the whole 0 and 16 Lions offense (面对0:16的比分和雄狮队的进攻。)
So bring on the Giants Falcons and Miami Dolphins (所以把巨人队、隼鹰队、和迈阿密海豚队都带上来吧!)
It's the body bag game b*tch I'm supplying coffins (这就是个一边倒的收尸游戏,我来给你们提供棺材。)
Cause you f**ks, butt kiss, a bunch of brian baldingers (因为你们这帮混蛋、马屁精和蠢猪头们(暗指Brian Baldinger无脑),)
You gon die a ball licker I've been diabolical (也就只配做下等人平凡一生!我的毒舌)
With this dialogue since 99 Rawkus (在99年Rawkus出道起就存在了。)
You don't respect the legacy I leave behind y'all can (既然你们不尊重我的馈赠,你们就)
Suck a **** The day you beat me pigs'll fly out my ass (吃屎去吧。想打败我,门都没有!除非)
in a flying saucer full of Italian sausage (猪上天了,飞碟里装的是意式香肠!)
The most high exalting and I ain't halting (这最兴奋的时刻我不再犹豫,)
Till I die of exhaustion inhale my exhaust fumes (直到我疲倦到自己无力呼吸。)
The best part about me is I am not you (最棒的事就是我与你们不同!)
I am me I'm the fire marshall and this is my (我就是我,我是浴火重生的自己(Marshall是阿姆名字)--(合)这也就是我的:)
Because… This is my legacy, legacy (这也就是我的遗赠)
This is my legacy, legacy (我留予你的财富)
There’s no guarantee, it’s not up to me you can only see (难以承诺 身不由己 面朝大海)
This is my legacy, legacy legacy, legacy (我留予你的所有馈赠)

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