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The Way I Am - Eminem
ID 43099




The Way I Am - Eminem


The Way I Am - Eminem

Dre just let it run (Dre开始吧)
Aiyyo turn the beat up a little bit (欸呦 调再高一点)
Aiyyo this song is for anyone **** it (欸呦 这首歌送给每个人 操)
Just shut up and listen aiyyo (闭上嘴 认真听 欸呦)
I sit back with this pack of Zig Zags and this bag (我坐在原处 拿着这袋卷烟纸)
of this **** it gives me the **** needed to be (和这包 这让我成为)
the most meanest MC on this -- on this Earth (世界上最恶毒的说唱歌手)
And since birth I've been cursed with this curse to just curse (自出生起 我就被恶魔所诅咒)
And just blurt this berserk and bizarre **** that works (喷涌而出这些狂怒诡谲的歌词)
And it sells and it helps in itself to relieve (它们非常叫座 缓解了我的愤怒)
all this tension dispensin these sentences (紧迫感也化解在歌词中)
Gettin this stress that's been eatin me (带走了一直折磨我 快要将我生吞了的)
recently off of this chest (压抑与紧张)
and I rest again peacefully peacefully (使我重拾了安逸与平和)

but at least have the decency in you (至少能在你们这帮狂热歌迷)
to leave me alone when you freaks see me out (跟踪我 偷拍我吃饭或者喂女儿的时候)
in the streets when I'm eatin or feedin my daughter (保持体面礼貌)
to not come and speak to me speak to me (喂 别跟着我了 别跟我搭话)
I don't know you and no (我不认识你)
I don't owe you a mo-********-in thing (我的什么都不欠你)
I'm not Mr N'Sync I'm not what your friends think (我不是NSync 我和你朋友们想的不一样)
I'm not Mr Friendly I can be a ***** (我不是好好先生 我是锋利的针尖)
if you tempt me my tank is on empty is on empty (你要是惹我 我的忍耐力可是零)
No patience is in me and if you offend me (没有任何耐心 你要是冒犯我)
I'm liftin you 10 feet liftin you 10 feet in the air (我上来就揪起衣领 把你拎起来)
I don't care who is there and who saw me destroy you (我才不管旁边有没有人 有没有目击者 看见我揍你)
Go call you a lawyer file you a lawsuit (去找你律师来 告我)
I'll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobe (我会在法庭上狂笑 然后赔你点钱)
I'm tired of all you of all you (我厌倦你们所有人 每个人)
I don't mean to be mean but that's all I can be is just me (无意冒犯 但我天生就这样)
And I am whatever you say I am (你的说我是什么我就是什么)
If I wasn't then why would I say I am (不然我的干嘛这样说)
In the paper the news everyday I am (报纸新闻 对我评头论足 一天一个尿性)
Radio won't even play my jam (电台的根本不会放我的歌)
Cause I am whatever you say I am (因为你的说我是什么我就是什么)
If I wasn't then why would I say I am (不然我的干嘛这样说)
In the paper the news everyday I am (报纸新闻 对我评头论足 一天一个尿性)
I don't know it's just the way I am (我什么都不知道 我就这样)
Sometimes I just feel like my father I hate to be bothered (有时 我就像我爸讨厌我一样 讨厌那帮脑残)
with all of this nonsense it's constant (永远在满嘴跑火车 胡说八道)
And Oh it's his lyrical content - (“哦 歌词涉及敏感内容)
- the song 'Guilty Conscience' (那首‘Guilty Conscience’)
has gotten such rotten responses (臭名昭著“)

And all of this controversy circles me (舆论的矛盾尖端都指向我)
and it seems like the media immediately (好像新闻媒体一夜之间)
points a finger at me finger at me (就开始把一切罪恶的源头指向我)
So I point one back at 'em but not the index or pinkie (所以我也回以一指 不是食指 不是小拇指)
or the ring or the thumb it's the one you put up (不是无名指 不是大拇指 对 就是那根)
when you don't give a **** when you won't just put up (当你不愿再忍受脑残智障的满口胡言时)
with the ******** they pull cause they full of **** too (满脸不屑地竖起的中指)
When a dude's gettin bullied and shoots up his school (当有个人在学校受欺负 然后谋划了一场枪击事件)
and they blame it on Marilyn on Marilyn and the ****** (他们就开始归咎于玛丽莲曼森 以及)
Where were the parents at And look where it's at (那些义正言辞的父母在哪呢?哪呢?)
Middle America now it's a tragedy (中美洲 上演了一出惨剧)
Now it's so sad to see an upper class ci-ty (现在上流社会)
havin this happenin this happenin (还不是也在发生这种事)
then attack Eminem cause I rap this way rap this way (打倒阿姆 就因为偏激残暴的唱词)
But I'm glad cause they feed me the fuel (但我乐意 你们实际上是 火上浇油)
that I need for the fire (焰火更旺)
to burn and it's burnin and I have returned (而这 就是我的反击)
And I am whatever you say I am (你的说我是什么我就是什么)
If I wasn't then why would I say I am (不然我的干嘛这样说)
In the paper the news everyday I am (报纸新闻 对我评头论足 一天一个尿性)
Radio won't even play my jam (电台的根本不会放我的歌)
Cause I am whatever you say I am (因为你的说我是什么我就是什么)
If I wasn't then why would I say I am (不然我的干嘛这样说)
In the paper the news everyday I am (报纸新闻 对我评头论足 一天一个尿性)
I don't know it's just the way I am (我什么都不知道 我就这样)
I'm so sick and tired of bein admired (受够了狂热的粉丝)
that I wish that I would just die or get fired (简直想去死 或者直接被经纪公司炒掉好了)
and dropped from my label and stop with the fables (离开这鬼公司 不再鬼话连篇)
I'm not gonna be able to top on My Name is (不再超越“My Name Is”)
And pigeon-holed into some pop-py sensation (被当做毒犯)
to cop me rotation at rock'n'roll stations (在摇滚舞台上把我抓起来)
And I just do not got the patience got the patience (我实在没耐心)
to deal with these ****y caucasians who think (去面对那些高傲的白人)
I'm some wigger who just tries to be black cause I talk (他们觉得我想当黑人)
with an accent and grab on my ***** so they always keep askin (所以我唱歌学黑人调调 抓着我的蛋 所以他们一直在问)
the same ****** questions ****** questions (同样的问题)
What school did I go to what hood I grew up in (你什么学校的 在哪长大的)
The why the who what when the where and the how (为什么?谁?什么?什么时候?哪里?什么情况?)
'til I'm grabbin my hair and I'm tearin it out (直到我扯碎自己的头发)
cause they drivin me crazy drivin me crazy I can't take it (因为他们要把我逼疯了 我受不了了)
I'm racin I'm pacin I stand and I sit (奔跑踱步 坐立不安)
And I'm thankful for ev-ery fan that I get (感谢每一位粉丝)
But I can't take a **** in the bathroom (但我真的拉不出来粑粑)
without someone standin by it (因为有人站在旁边)
No I won't sign your autograph (我不会再给你们签名)
You can call me an ******* I'm glad (你可以骂我混蛋 我乐意)
'Cause I am whatever you say I am (你的说我是什么我就是什么)
If I wasn't then why would I say I am (不然我的干嘛这样说)
In the paper the news everyday I am (报纸新闻 对我评头论足 一天一个尿性)
Radio won't even play my jam (电台的根本不会放我的歌)
Cause I am whatever you say I am (因为你的说我是什么我就是什么)
If I wasn't then why would I say I am (不然我的干嘛这样说)
In the paper the news everyday I am (报纸新闻 对我评头论足 一天一个尿性)
I don't know it's just the way I am (我什么都不知道 我就这样)

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