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Superman - Eminem/Dina Rae
ID 43135




Superman - Eminem/Dina Rae


Superman - Eminem/Dina Rae

作词 : Steve King/Eminem/Jeffrey Bass
作曲 : Steve King/Eminem/Jeffrey Bass
You high baby? (宝贝你上头了吗?)
Yeahh... (是啊..)
Yeah? (是吗?)
hahaha..Talk to me... (哈哈...跟我说点俏皮话吧...)
You want me to tell you somethin? (你想听我瞎扯两句吗?)
I know what you wanna hear... 'Cuz (我可知道你想听些什么...)
Uh huh... (呃...呃...)
I know you want me baby I think I want you too... (我知道你渴望着我 亲爱的 我觉得我也对你有些意思)
I think I love you baby... (我想我坠入了爱河...)
I think I love you too... (我觉得我也爱上你了...)
I'm here to save you girl, (我是来拯救你的)
Come be in shady's world, (来加入我的世界)
I wanna grow together, (我想与你共成长)
Let's let our love unfurl. (别憋屈地偷情了)
You know you want me baby, (宝贝你清楚你需要我)
You know I want you too, (你也明白我需要你)
They call me Superman, (他们都说我是超人)
I'm here to rescue you, (我是专门来救你的)
I wanna save you girl, (亲爱的我想拯救你)
come be in Shady's world... (快来进入我的世界)
oh boy you drive me crazy... (哥哥 哥哥 你骑得太猛了啦...)
***** you make me hurl... (贱人 你真让我恶心)
They call me Superman, (他们觉得我是超人)
Leap tall hoes in a single bound, (再怎么高的妞我也能轻松越过(超人漫画原句))
I'm single now, (我现在又是单身了)
Got no ring on this finger now, (看好这根手指上可没有戒指噢)
I'll never let another chick bring me down, (我再也不会纠缠于马子们)
In a relationship, save it *****, babysit? you make me sick, (和我厮混着美其名曰帮我看孩子,省省吧贱人,你真让我恶心)
Superman aint savin ****, girl you can jump on shady's ****, (即使是超人也懒得搭理你 彪子你还是扑到我双腿间取悦我吧)
Straight from the hip, cut to the chase, (我连钩子都是直接了当 有话直说)
I'll tell a mo'****** slut to her face, (我就直接告诉你们这些荡妇吧)
Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what's her face, (以后没有任何游戏 钩子夹紧滚远点。自从我和那谁分手后)
I'm a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, ***** why ask? (我就变了个人 少跟我胡闹 和我接吻?想多了吧)
Kiss my ****, hit my cash, i'd rather have you whip my ass, (想用口活把我的钱骗走?那我的钱宁愿被你抢走)
Don't put out? i'll put you out, (你要不跟我做我就把你做了)
Won't get out? i'll push you out, (完事你要不滚就别怪我用手段)
Puss blew out, copin ****, (你下面的嘴都被干翻了上面的嘴还是停不下来)
Wouldn't piss on fire to put you out, (我都不舍得用尿来救你身上的火)
Am I too nice? buy you ice, (我是不是给你好脸给多了?还给你买钻戒)
***** if you died, wouldn't buy you life, (花的这些小钱可不至于让你受益终身)
What you tryin to be, my new wife? (怎么你还想当上正房了?)
What you Mariah? fly through twice, (怎么你还成专门找我两次的牛姐了?(二人曾有过一段故事))
But I do know one thing though, (不过我确实搞清楚了一件事)
******* they come, they go, (贱人们总在我眼前晃荡)
Saturday through sunday monday, (从周末到周一)
Monday through sunday yo, (再从周一到周末)
Maybe i'll love you one day, (也许有天我可能会爱上你)
Maybe we'll someday grow, (也许有天我们会步入正轨)
Till then just sit your drunk ass on that ****** runway hoe... (不过在那之前你还是继续在飞机跑道上发酒疯吧)
'Cuz I can't be your superman, (因为我不能是你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (至少不应该是你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我胜任不了当你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我没有资格做你的超人)
I can't be your superman, (我真的做不了你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我胜任不了当你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我没有资格做你的超人)
Your superman, your superman... (做不了你的超人啊超人...)
Don't get me wrong, (不要误解我的意思)
I love these hoes, (我确实享受和这些妞做)
It's no secret, (这不是天大的秘密)
Everybody knows, (天底下可人尽皆知)
Can't we ****? (我们不能为爱鼓掌吗?)
***** so what? (做了又能怎样啊你这贱人)
That's about as far as your buddy goes, (咱俩的程度也只能止步于此了)
We'll be friends, (我们还是做朋友吧)
I'll call you again, (我仍会打给你)
I'll chase you around every bar you attend, (你每去一个夜店我都会跟踪你(Kim和保镖的故事))
Never know what kind of car i'll be in, (我却不会让你知道我的行踪)
*Woman Screaming* (*女人惊叫*)
We'll see how much you'll be partying then, (到时候就知道你到底玩得有多花了)
You don't want that, (你不想闹成这样?)
Neither do I, (其实我也一样)
I don't wanna flip when I see you with guys, (我也不想因为你的鬼混而和别人把关系弄糟)
Too much pride, (这代价也忒大了些)
Between you and I, (你我之间的这些破事)
Not a jealous man, but females lie, (如果不是因为女人的谎言我也不会总吃醋)
But I guess that's just what sluts do, (不过我想这也许就是荡妇的作风吧)
How could it ever be just us two? (我们怎么可能天长地久呢?)
Never loved you enough to trust you, (从来没有爱你到信任你的地步)
We just met and I just ****** you, (我们只不过刚认识并打过炮而已(我们只是炮友啦~别把自己看得太重~))
But I do know one thing though, (不过我的确弄明白了一件事)
******* they come they go, (贱人们总喜欢跟我厮混)
Saturday through Sunday monday, (从周末到周一)
Monday through Sunday yo, (再从周一到周末)
Maybe I'll love you one day, (也许有天我可能会爱上你)
Maybe we'll someday grow, (也许有天我们会步入正轨)
'Till then just sit your drunk ass on that ****** runway hoe... (不过在那之前你还是继续在飞机跑道上发酒疯吧)
I know you want me baby I think I want you too... (我知道你渴望着我 亲爱的 我觉得我也对你有些意思)
I think I love you baby... (我想我坠入了爱河...)
I think I love you too... (我觉得我也爱上你了...)
I'm here to save you girl, (我是来拯救你的)
Come be in shady's world, (来加入我的世界)
I wanna grow together, (我想与你共成长)
Let's let our love unfurl. (别憋屈地偷情了)
You know you want me baby, (宝贝你清楚你需要我)
You know I want you too, (你也明白我需要你)
They call me Superman, (他们都叫我超人)
I'm here to rescue you, (我是专门来救你的)
I wanna save you girl, (亲爱的我想拯救你)
come be in Shady's world... (快来进入哥的心房吧)
oh boy you drive me crazy... (哥哥 哥哥 你骑得太猛了啦...)
***** you make me hurl... (贱人 你真让我恶心)
First thing you said... (还记得你当时怎么跟我说的吗?)
I'm not phazed, (“我一点也不紧张”)
I hang around big stars all day, (“我可每天跟一些大明星混迹”)
I don't see what the big deal is anyway, (“而且我也不觉得你是啥大人物”)
You're just plain ol' Marshall to me... (“在我眼里你只不过是个平凡的Marshall罢了...”)
Ooh yeah girl run that game... (哎哟不错喔小妞,继续...)
Haily Jade...I love that name, (“Hailie Jade......这名字不错我喜欢”)
Love that tattoo...what's that say? (“你这纹身也可以啊...上面写着啥?”)
'rot in pieces' aww that's great... (“'给爷死!'额好吧........”)
First off you don't know Marshall, (咱从头开始说起奥,你压根就不清楚我是谁吧)
Add also, don't grow partial, (所以钻我钩子这一套先省省吧)
That's ammo for my arsenal, (你的所言所语都是我向你开火时的弹药(抨击你的理由))
I'll snap you off that bar stool, (我能一巴掌就把你从夜店扇出去)
There goes another lawsuit, (又得打官司了?)
Leave handprints all accross you, (又把指纹按得你满身?)
Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle, (服了你是不是把酒当成水喝的呢)
You want what you can't have, (你总想掌握你不该掌握的)
Ooh girl that's too damn bad, (这可不太妙啊小妞)
Don't touch what you can't grab, (放不下的东西你就不要拿起来)
End up with two back hands, (别逼我反手给你两巴掌)
Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can't stand, (再把炭疽杆菌放到你卫生棉条后把你扇到站不起来)
Girl you just blew your chance, (小妞你已经浪费了你唯一的机会)
Don't mean to ruin your plans, (我也不是有意糟蹋了你的如意算盘)
But I do know one thing though, (不过我已经心里有数了)
******* they come they go, (贱人们总是跟在我屁股后面)
Saturday through Sunday Monday, (从周末到周一)
Monday through Sunday yo, (再从周一到周末)
Maybe I'll love you one day, (也许有天我可能会爱上你)
Maybe we'll someday grow, (也许有天我们会步入正轨)
'Till then just sit your drunk ass on that ****** runway hoe... (不过在那之前你还是继续在飞机跑道上发酒疯吧)
I know you want me baby, (我知道你渴望着我 亲爱的)
I think I want you too... (我觉得我也对你有些意思)
I think I love you baby... (我想我坠入了爱河...)
I think I love you too, (我觉得我也爱上你了...)
I'm here to save you girl, (我是来拯救你的)
Come be in Shady's world, (来加入我的世界)
I wanna grow together, (我想与你共成长)
Lets let our love unfurl, (别憋屈地偷情了)
You know you want me baby, (宝贝你清楚你需要我)
You know I want you too, (你也明白我需要你)
They call me Superman, (他们都叫我超人)
I'm here to rescue you, (我是专门来救你的)
I wanna save you girl, (亲爱的我想拯救你)
Come be in shady's world... (快来进入哥的心房吧)
Oh boy you drive me crazy... (哥哥 哥哥 你骑得太猛了啦...)
***** you make me hurl. (贱人 你真让我恶心)
'Cuz I can't be your superman, (因为我不能是你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (至少不应该是你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我胜任不了当你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我没有资格做你的超人)
I can't be your superman, (我真的做不了你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我胜任不了当你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我没有资格做你的超人)
Your superman, your superman... (做不了你的超人啊超人...)
'Cuz I can't be your superman, (因为我不能是你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (至少不应该是你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我胜任不了当你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我没有资格做你的超人)
I can't be your superman, (我真的做不了你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我胜任不了当你的超人)
Can't be your superman, (我没有资格做你的超人)
Your superman, your superman… (做不了你的超人啊超人...)

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