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Pelle Coat - Lil Durk
ID 43174




Pelle Coat - Lil Durk


Pelle Coat - Lil Durk

作曲 : Durk Banks
Banger, Banger
DJ on the beat so it's a banger (Chopsquad DJ经典水印)

They scared to come outside (他们不敢在外面找我的麻烦)
I know why, because they dyin' for sure (我知道其中原因 如果他们这么做必定小命不保)
2010 winter time, Pelle on, I gotta match the coat (依稀记得2010年的寒冬来临 我披上了我的Pelle大衣)
Shared the room with my cousin, I snuck in, told him I had a gun (和我表弟住一个房间 我偷偷告诉他我有枪)
I do believe in my spirits, can't hop on a Spirit, that flight too long (我相信我的灵魂 我无法登上“勇气号”因为那趟飞行太久)
YouTube niggas tryna paint a picture of me, it never last too long (YouTube上一些哔哔赖赖的傻X博主想抹黑我的形象 但从来都不会持续太久)
Not too much on violence, but nigga I'm silent, but nigga I'm glad you gone (没有太多暴力在身 但我保持沉默 我很高兴你离开了)
If you got a name and you stand on business, you can't be the first to fold (如果你有了名气 而且在你目前的地位保持脚踏实地 你绝对不会首当其冲)
Bro got a body, but brodie got four bodies, he the first to told (兄弟干掉了一个 但那家伙“干掉”了四个 这是因为他告了密(可能是对 Gunna 的攻击))
On my back is a burden, bro in the car and I did it on purpose (我的背上是沉重的负担 好兄弟在车里 我是故意这么做的)
They in suburbans, bro on the track and he hopped on the curb then (他们开着雪佛兰Suburban在路上行驶 猛地一个转向拐到了马路牙子上)
Brodie moved back, 'cause brodie started lackin' just off his girlfriend (他又搬回来了 因为他开始想念他的女伴了)
I was stackin', had to sleep on the mattress, nigga., I ain't perfect (都是为了那点钱 我只能睡床垫 我并不完美)
Take him out to slide, he can't even focus, thinkin' what his girl did (带他出去搞一笔 他开始分心 想着他女朋友做了什么)
I can't even lie and I love the guys, and we make the world spin (我不能骗他们 我爱他们 我们让世界旋转)
On the jail call, but we still risk it, 'cause it got it mergin' (通过监狱电话互诉衷肠 但我们还是要冒险 因为我们必须团结一起)
'Member postin' guns, that's really involved 'cause they lurkin' (千万不要把我们的家伙晒出来 因为这玩意真见不得人)
Where I'm from, you don't get old, I know some killers that told (在我的家乡 你永不会老去 我知道有些告了密的刹手)
I know secrets that nobody know, pray for me, I'm on the road (我知道没人知道的秘密 为我祈祷吧 我在路上)
Give it all up for my bros (我愿为我的兄弟们放弃一切)
When you keepin' your mouth closed, ain't no one gettin' exposed (请记住 当你闭上你的嘴 就没有人会泄露天机了)

They scared to come outside (他们不敢在外面找我的麻烦)
I know they is, but nigga scared to pop out for days (我知道他们怂了 但他们好几天都不敢出来)
Back in the day when it was seven-fifty minimum wage (那时候最低工资还是750美金)
I was bad, momma sent me to get out the way (我当时是个坏小孩 妈妈把我送到密歇根去)
I ain't know what to say, I knew he was dead when they put out the tape (我不知道该说什么 他们放录像带的时候我就知道他死了)
That shit was a shame, he died right in front of me, auntie say I'm a snake (真可惜 他就死在我面前 阿姨说我坏得像条蛇)
I ain't mention lil' bro name, Ciara sayin' I'm straight (我没提Lil Bear的名字 Ciara说我很奇怪)
Auntie ? loves her daughter, call my phone back, I ain't know what to say (阿姨刚刚失去了她的女儿 她给我回了电话 我不知道该说什么)
Ask the kids visitin', mommas never did, like I'm the one who be playin' (让孩子们来拜访 他们妈妈从来没有这样做过 就像我是个无关紧要的人一样)
See, brodie that was my man, but he let him get in his head, what I'm sayin' (看吧 那都是我的兄弟 但他让上帝进入了他的头脑)
Like, how I'ma sacrifice Von? I'm the only nigga reached for his hand (”就像我要牺牲King Von一样?“ 我是他唯一伸手可及的挚友(King Von 死后,许多粉丝认为他的死是 Lil Durk 以某种方式参与他的去世、或为他自己的成功做出牺牲。Lil Durk 这句歌词是对这一说法的驳斥))
Like why I can't give him money for the funeral, I'm like "Damn" (为什么要撒谎说我不会捐钱办葬礼?这谣言也太荒唐了)
I ain't see his kids yet, same time, they probably bleed with their hand (我还没见过他的孩子 同时他们也就是一帮道听途说之徒)
Ain't makin' statements for the whole case, like how I'ma tell on my man? (我不会为整个案子做陈述 比如我怎么告发我的兄弟)
They ain't never have enough evidence, tell 'em "Free Zoo out that can" (他们总是没有足够的证据 告诉他们把THF Zoo放出来)
I call fast, finna talk to the kids, I don't think so and so, nothin' that he did (我打电话给Fat Fat和孩子们谈谈 我觉得Son-Son不知道他死了)
Life insurance money, hold a lot of Ms (人寿保险 一大笔钱 都是我的)
So when I'm dead they never miss meals (这样我死后孩子们也能照样吃饱饭)
I don't know why they hate me so much (我不知道他们为什么这么恨我)
Got it back for revenge, so what? (不假 我的确是回来复仇 那又怎样?)
Why they lie on my name so much? (为什么他们总是以我的名义撒谎?)
Why I be with the gang so much? (为什么我总是和帮派混在一起?)
Why they do it for the fame so much? (为什么他们这么做是为了名声?)
Keep tellin' him I'm slidin' on up (不停地告诉他 他一无是处)
Keep tellin' him I'm slidin' on up (不停地告诉他 他一无是处)

They scared to come outside (他们不敢在外面找我的麻烦)
Niggas be lyin' on blogs to get up some views (他们为了增加浏览量就在博客上扯皮胡侃)
Felt like that with every one, 'cause his son called, ask a nigga for shoes
I was outside movin' and forgot, I ain't tryna make an excuse (我在外面 忘记了这事)
Tried to tell Vernie that I forgot about him 'cause he still in the zoo (我想告诉Varney我忘了他 因为他还在动物园里)
Could've been came around, I was in therapy, weren't tryna throw my mood (可能这事情即将到来的时候我还在接受治疗 没想要提前行动)
Like I don't wanna **** with you bro momma, I'm just thinkin' it through (就像因为你是兄弟的女朋友 所以我不想和你**一样的道理 我只是想清楚)
I ****ed one time, I told ? a dub 'cause I think it's cool (当我有了第一次时 我告诉了Wukaduk 因为我觉得这很酷)
A lot of people really tried to say they hate me, shit, I hate you too, uh (很多街区里的人都说他们恨我 事实是我也恨死你们了)
I send money to jail, I send money for funeral (我给监狱中的兄弟们寄钱 花钱给已逝的兄弟们办葬礼)
Even though they goin' to hell for all them niggas they killed (即使他们因为亲手断送了那么多生命 而最终下地狱)
You know I'm part of my brother'nem forever ever, ever, I'm goin' to hell (你知道我永远都是我兄弟的一部分 所以我也要跟他一起)
You know I'm part of my brother'nem, I'm never ever, ever gon' tell (你知道我永远都是我兄弟的一部分 所以我永远不会告密)
Like why I'ma have a baby on my bitch, I'm different, I'm not crazy (比如我为什么要让她怀上孩子?我不一样 我没疯)
Me and brodie died 'cause he beat up a goofy, man this shit nothin' 'bout Asians (King Von去世了 因为他打了个SB 而且这事儿跟 Asian Doll 半毛钱关系都没有(此前许多粉丝推测 Asian Doll & King Von 和 4kt 之间是不和的一个因素))
Why you praisin' niggas who told on brodie and them? Man, you niggas too crazy (你为什么要赞美那些出卖我的人?你们真是让我三观震碎)
A thing died, a nigga died, another nigga died, we thangin' (DThang去世了 其他兄弟们接二连三的都倒下了)
You the same nigga told me your block ain't shit, them boys fugazi (你就是那个告诉我你的街区一无是处的人 那些家伙真是疯了)
When you think about, you the same nigga, ain't shoot shit, you niggas is crazy (当你仔细想想 你还是那个老样子 相当疯狂)
When I'm in the 'Raq, if I ain't goin' to Tay Town, nigga, I'ma slide on Damon (当我在Chiraq的时候 如果我不去Tay Town那我就是去了Damen)
What you doin' in the trenches, brodie, they want you dead, and they know that you famous (你在街区里做过什么?当他们想要你命的时候 他们是否知道你很出名?)
More the time I get on my knees, I pray to Allah (早上 我跪下来 向真主祈祷)
Forgive me for the shit that I did (主啊 原谅我所做的一切吧)
Let me get closer to my kid (让我离我的孩子近一点)
Can you protect all my friends? (主啊 你能保护我所有的朋友们吗?)
They scared to come outside (那些家伙不敢在外面找我的麻烦)
And we ain't, I know we ain't scared (我知道我们不会害怕)
I know we did (我知道我们都做过什么)
(Scared to come outside)

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