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Fine Line - Kesha
ID 43905




Fine Line - Kesha


Fine Line - Kesha

作词 : Kesha Sebert/Pebe Sebert/Ajay Bhattacharya
作曲 : Kesha Sebert/Pebe Sebert/Ajay Bhattacharya
There’s a fine line I’ve been walking (一向我都谨慎地 在细线上凌波微步)
Trying to balance is exhausting (试图保持平衡 让人疲惫不堪)
This is where you ****ers pushed me (就是在这时 你们朝我猛推一把 将我背刺)
Don’t be surprised if shit gets ugly (若下场变得难看 还劳烦你们莫要惊讶)

All the doctors and lawyers cut the tongue out of my mouth (所有的医生啊 律师啊 都试图割掉我的舌头)
I’ve been hiding my anger, but bitch look at me now (我一直隐藏着我的愤怒 但看看我现在的模样)
I’m at the top of the mountain, With a gun to my head (我傲然挺立在山峰之巅 枪口抵着我的脑袋)
Am I bigger than Jesus, Or better off dead (我比耶稣还要伟大 还是说我死去更好)

There’s a fine line between genius and crazy (天才与疯子之间 只有一线之隔)
There’s a fine line between broken and breaking (理智与崩溃之间 只有一线之隔)
Spent my whole life tryna to change what they’re saying about me (我终生都在努力改变别人对我的看法)
Sick of walking that fine line (受够了走在岌岌可危的钢丝之上)
Fine line between selling out and being bought (功成名就与沦为商品之间 只有一线之隔)
Fine line between famous and being forgot (万人瞩目与被人遗忘之间 只有一线之隔)
It’s time I’m coming down off of the cross (是时候让我从钉着我的十字架上下来)
I’m sick of walking that fine line (受够了走在岌岌可危的钢丝之上)

I feel safest in the silence (我在寂静中安然得所)
And I’m so Goddamn sick of fighting (而我已经受够了无谓地斗争)
The truth keeps roaring like a lion (真相不断地如雄狮般咆哮着)
That’ll be the cross I’ll die on (这条十字架就将是我最终的归宿)

The years keep on dragging, I’m at the end of my rope (岁月如梭 往昔不再 如今的我已水尽山穷)
The noose gets tighter and tighter, (脖颈上的套索 勒得越来越紧)
I’m tasting blood in my throat (喉咙里开始有了鲜血的味道)
Don’t ****ing call me a fighter (不要以所谓战士为我冠名)
Don’t ****ing call me a joke (也别以为我是你们的笑柄)
You have no ****ing idea (你根本对我一无所知)
And trust me you’ll never know (相信我 你永远都不会知道真相)

Theres a fine line between hope and delusion (希望与妄念之间 只有一线之隔)
Between whats right and what we’ve just gotten used to (何为真正的正确 又有什么是我们习以为常)
My whole life I’ve had something to prove to you (我终生都在努力改变别人对我的看法)
I’m sick of walking that fine line (受够了走在岌岌可危的钢丝之上)
Fine line between surviving and living (生存与生活之间 只有一线之隔)
And some things never should be forgiven (有些事情永远都不应该被人遗忘)
Guess what I’m sick of pretending for you (猜猜怎么着 我已经厌倦了为你们伪装)

Fine line (一线之隔)
Fine line (一线之隔)
Fine line (一线之隔)
Fine line (一线之隔)
Fine line (一线之隔)
Fine line (一线之隔)

There’s a fine line between what matters and doesn’t (至关重要与无关紧要之间 只有一线之隔)
Between letting go and giving up (毅然放手和选择放弃之间 亦是如此)
Between happy and stupid as **** (你要选择活得快乐 还是愚不可及)

There’s a Fine line between what’s entertaining and (一线之隔 能给大众带来娱乐的事物)
What’s just exploiting the pain (与单纯地消费别人的痛苦)
But hey look at all the money we made off me (但看看吧 看看我们由此赚得盆满钵满)

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