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Field Notes - Owl City
ID 44752




Field Notes - Owl City


Field Notes - Owl City

作曲 : Adam Young
We were heading on home, Diesel 'n me (狄赛耳和我正在回家的路上)
Down an old gravel road, way out in the country (走在乡间的老旧的碎石路上)
Tuckered out after working the fields all day (在田野里辛勤劳作了一天)
When all of a sudden, off like a shot (突然间 蹭的一下就跑走了)
That dog took off running, barking his head off (那条狗边跑边吠)
Wherever he went, he went like there was hell to pay (无论他跑向哪里 都好似要付出巨大的代价)

So lickety-split, I crashed through the fields (所以我飞快的穿过田野)
Chasing after that hound and I was hot on his heels (紧紧在后面追着那条猎狗)
When we both went over the edge of a deep ravine (当我们一同跨过深谷的边缘)
As I crawled up the bank, cold and soaked to the bone (我爬上河岸浑身冰冷湿透)
A glint caught my eye from the mud where it shone (泥泞里一个闪亮亮的东西映入我的眼帘)
Something was buried there, alongside the stream (溪流旁边那有什么被埋在了那里)

Now the middle of a field is a pretty odd place (田野中是一个很奇幻的地方)
To find some kind of trunk or a chest or a crate (可以去寻找类似宝箱之类的东西)
But buried under the earth, I saw a corner exposed (在这底下 我看到一个空洞的角落)
No there wasn't a map or a note or a key (但却没有寻宝图 也没有信笺或者是宝箱钥匙之类的)
It was clearly forgotten, just waiting for me (它显然是被遗忘了 就像在这静静等待我)
Like I was supposed to find it there, right under my nose (仿佛我能找找到似的 就在我的眼皮底下)

lt had laid there for years, deep in the dirt (它已经在这土地深处沉睡许久)
So I dug it out and wiped my hands on my shirt (所以我把它挖了出来 用衬衣擦了擦手)
I pried up the lid and excitedly peered inside (我撬开盖子兴奋的朝里面看去)
And what I saw was a sight to behold (我所有看到的是如此的绚丽惊奇)
'Cause that tattered old trunk was crammed full of gold (因为这个破旧箱子里装满了宝藏)
My eyes bugged out, it was enough to make a grown man cry (我的眼睛一亮 足以能让一个成年人哭出来)

Big golden bricks with a shimmery sheen (黄灿灿的大金条闪着刺眼的光芒)
They were a staggering sight to a poor boy like me (对我这种穷光蛋来说真的惊掉了下巴)
But right then and there I knew what I had to do (此刻我也知道我需要做些什么)
So with a smile, I sold what little I had (我轻轻一笑 卖掉了仅剩的一点)
I gave my pots and my pans to my mom and my dad (我把我的家当都留给了父母)
And then I bought that field 'cause it was my dream come true (然后买下了这片土地 因为这里是让我梦想开花的地方)

And then, full of joy, I said goodbye to my shack (然后我满怀期待的告别了我的小屋)
It wasn't much of a home, so I never looked back (这也称不上是家 所以也没太舍不得)
And I never questioned the choice I happily made (我从来没怀疑过我自信所做的抉择)
I said I need that field, whatever it takes (我说我不惜一切都需要那片田野)
You might call it foolish, but l call it faith (或许听上去很傻 但我却把其当成信念)
Trusting in God so gladly, you can't hardly wait (如此虔诚的相信上天 你几乎等不及)

And that's how I learned how a rich fella counts (就这样我学会了金钱的价值)
His treasure in heaven, not under the ground (他的财富在别处 并非在这土壤之中)
'Cause betting the farm is well worth the risk (因此把农场赌上也是值得的)
To carefully keep such a beautiful gift (如此小心的珍藏这么美丽的馈礼)
That's yours forever, it's a pretty good deal (现在永远都是你的了 这交易很划得来)

There's a couple of things more precious than gold (有些东西是比这金灿灿的金子还宝贵的)
One is your heart and the other's your soul (一个就是你的真心 还有就是你有趣的灵魂)
And you've got something unique that nobody can steal (这是他人无法夺走属于你独一无二的东西)

It's a fable, you see, and the moral is this (你也看见了 这就是寓言故事 寓意就是这样深刻)
Your heart's with your treasure, wherever it is (无论去往何方 你的心和财富紧紧相连在一起)
And trust me, when you dig (相信我 当你去奋斗的时候)
A treasure will be revealed (宝藏将会被发掘)
And you never know what could be buried in the middle of a field (或许你永远也不知道这田野中还会有啥惊喜)

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