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Kelly Time - Owl City
ID 44753




Kelly Time - Owl City


Kelly Time - Owl City

作曲 : Adam Young
Well, videotapes and ice skates are beautiful things (录像带与溜冰鞋 都是漂亮的圣诞礼物)
Like a birthday card for Johnny (如同约翰尼的生日贺卡般温馨)
And a pair of angel wings (就像一对天使之翼般美好)
You were tryna light a fire (你尝试着钻木取火时)
And all you wanted was a match (心中想要的只是一根火柴)
But you knew I didn't have one (但你知道 我并没有火柴)
So it was odd that you should ask (那你问我借 就显得很奇怪)
No, it wasn't just the plane crash (你向我诉说 那不仅是一场空难)
That shook you to the core (把你吓得魂飞魄散)
But the very thought of losing her (而是一想到失去凯莉)
That made it all worth dying for (便让你觉得生不如死)
I'm sorry (我很抱歉)
I'm sorry (偶尔对你发火)
We both washed up on that island (我们都被海浪带到那座岛)
All alone without a friend (孤苦伶仃 无亲无故)
Thinking you and I were gonna die there (本以为咱们会在那里孤独死去)
And that would be the end (那便是你我的归宿)
But as the weeks turned into months (但随着时间的推移)
I saw you overcome your fears (我看到你成功克服恐惧)
And as we became companions (一转眼 我们成为亲密伙伴)
All those months turned into years (岁月却已蹉跎数年)
When we would talk and talk for hours (我们时常促膝长谈而忘记时间)
You would make sure I felt heard (你总是给我参与感)
'Cause you knew what I was saying (因为你知晓我心中所思所想)
Though I never said a word (尽管我一直缄口不言)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
I'm ready for anything (我已准备好面对挫折)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Who knows what the tide could bring? (谁知道命运会怎样捉弄我)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Yeah, I'm ready for anything (我已准备好迎接希望)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Who knows what the tide could bring? (谁又知道潮水会带来什么)
After fifteen hundred days (在岛上度过1500个日夜后)
You and me escaped to sea (我们乘坐木筏逃往海里)
And I knew that you still loved the girl (我知道你依然深爱着凯莉)
From Memphis, Tennessee (她远在孟菲斯市 田纳西)
Out there on that lonely ocean (漂泊在孤寂的汪洋上)
We met a passing humpback whale (我们偶遇一头座头鲸陪伴同行)
'Cause all the way from Bakersfield (板材从贝克斯菲尔德漂洋过海而来)
The tide gave us a sail (潮水送给我们一面船帆)
And just like that, it happened (就这样 不幸降临在我身上)
The waves took me away (海浪无情地将我卷走)
And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry (我很抱歉 没能把你救回)
That you lost a friend that day (那天 你失去一位挚友)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
I'm ready for anything (我已准备好面对挫折)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Who knows what the tide could bring? (谁知道命运会怎样捉弄我)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Yeah, I'm ready for anything (我已准备好迎接希望)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Who knows what the tide could bring? (谁又知道潮水会带来什么)

Well, you and me went on a journey (你我曾携手经历一段旅程)
Full of tragedy and pain (充满着痛苦与磨难)
But I'm grateful I was with you (但我很感激能伴你同行)
Through the sunshine and the rain (我们风雨同舟 见证雨过天晴)
And when I wonder where you are now (当我想知道你身在何方时)
I'll probably never know (可能永远得不到答案)
But my friend, I hope you made it (但我亲爱的挚友 我希望你能成功)
And somehow, you finally made it home (不知何故 你终于回到家中)
I have an ocean-worth of questions (我有无数问题需要解答)
But if I do know one thing (不过有件事我心知肚明)
It's that the sun will rise tomorrow (明天太阳将会照常升起)
And who knows what the tide could bring? (谁知道潮水会带来什么)
Da da da da da
(Goodbye, my friend, I'll never forget you) (亲爱的挚友 我将永远把你铭记)
Doo doo doo doo ooo ooo ooh
Hey, hey, hey, Kelly are you there? Pick up (嘿 凯莉 你在听吗?请接电话)
I know I said I'd be back (我知道我曾承诺很快回来)
And like that, nobody knew where I was at (就这样 无人知晓我身在何方)
All my logic said I would never see you again (逻辑告诉我 我再也无法与你重逢)
After four years of missin' you so bad (四年来 我对你的思念愈发沉重)
But here I am (但我终于逃出生天)
And now I have to learn to let you go (而现在我必须学会放手 让往事随风)
Even though I love you more than you'll ever know (即使我对你的爱远超你所知)
I'm getting used to half a heart and the way things are (我渐渐习惯遗失另一半自己 事实便是如此)
But Kelly, I never should've gotten outta the car, I'm sorry (但是凯莉 那时我根本不应该下车离去 我很对不起你)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
I'm ready for anything (我已准备好面对挫折)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Who knows what the tide could bring? (谁知道命运会怎样捉弄我)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Yeah, I'm ready for anything (我已准备好迎接希望)
Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
Who knows what the tide could bring? (谁又知道潮水会带来什么)
I'm sorry for everything (我对发生的一切倍感歉意)
But nobody knows what the tide could bring (但没有人知道潮水会带来什么)
You know? Nobody knows what the tide could bring (生活就像一盒巧克力 你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道)
Videotapes and ice skates are beautiful things (录像带与溜冰鞋 都是漂亮的圣诞礼物)
Like a pocket watch on Kelly Time (如同定格在凯莉时间的怀表般温馨)
And a pair of angel wings (就像一对天使之翼般美好)
Oh, and the birthday card to Johnny (送给约翰尼的生日贺卡)
It made me realize (让我恍然大悟)
That the most beautiful thing in the world (世界上最美丽的事物)
Is, of course, the gift of life (就是生命的馈赠)
The most beautiful thing in the world (世界上最美丽的事物)
Is to be so wonderfully alive (就是活得如此精彩)

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