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Adam, Check Please - Owl City
ID 44754




Adam, Check Please - Owl City


Adam, Check Please - Owl City

作曲 : Adam Young
I said (我鼓起勇气说道)
Hey, I'm looking for Casey Connor (嘿 我想见经理凯西·康纳)
Here's my résumé (这是我的简历)
I'm looking for a part-time job (我在找一份兼职工作)
And I can start today (马上就能上岗)
Well, I heard you needed some help in frozen (听说贵店在冷冻室缺人手)
With Eric leaving soon (我朋友埃里克很快要离职)
My boss (老板)
Shook my hand and I began (紧紧握住我的手)
That Monday after school (我便开始那段工作之旅)
That Monday after school (在那个周一放学后)
So thank you kindly (衷心感谢你)
I owe ya, Hy-Vee (Hy-Vee杂货店 我欠你个人情)
Eating cold pizza in the break room (我在休息室里吃着放凉的披萨)
Feeling kinda small (感觉自己十分渺小)
A skinny kid with a crooked tie (瘦骨嶙峋的身体打着歪领带)
My name tag said it all (我的名牌诉说着一切)
It said (上面写着)
Adam, Frozen, 1 Years of service (亚当在冷冻食品部门工作一年)
Heh, but I felt like a man (但我觉得自己像是真正的男人)
And I made it rain when payday came (当发薪日到来 我向天空豪掷千金)
'Cause that was all I had (因为那便是我当时所有积蓄)
So thank you kindly (衷心感谢你)
I owe ya, Hy-Vee (Hy-Vee杂货店 我欠你个人情)
Yeah, I owe ya (感谢你给我这次机会)
Yeah, I owe ya (我欠你个人情)
Hy-Vee (Hy-Vee杂货店)
Adam, check please(Ooh) (亚当 麻烦去结下账)
Na da da da da da da
Yeah, I'll be filling up the Cool Whip (收到 我要为货架补充盒装奶油)
Adam, check please (亚当 收银台需要你)
If the lines are getting long (如果结账队伍越来越长)
You know that you can call me (你知道可以呼叫我)
Adam, check please (亚当 麻烦去结下账)
Over the intercom (通过对讲机)
And I'll be there in a jiffy (我随叫随到)
Adam, check please (亚当 收银台需要你)
(Help is on the way) (援助马上就到)
Na da da da da da da
Yeah, I'll be filling up the Cool Whip (收到 我要为货架补充盒装奶油)
Adam, check please (亚当 麻烦去结下账)
Na da da da da da da
Everything is beautiful (生活处处皆美丽)
Adam, check please (亚当 收银台需要你)
Yeah, I promise I'm on the way (我保证 我正在赶去的路上)
And I'll be there in a jiffy (我马上就到)
Because stocking shelves was how I learned (给货架上货是我学会做到最好)
To do my level best and take pride in my work (并为自己感到自豪的工作)
'Cause you never know when it's your turn (你永远无法知晓何时轮到你)
To climb the ladder of success (去攀登成功的阶梯)
Show the world what you do best (向世界展示你最擅长的方面)
Yeah, you were made for this (那种与生俱来的天赋)
Hey, I'm looking for Casey Connor (嘿 我想见经理凯西·康纳)
It seems like yesterday (仿佛上次见还在昨天)
I paid my dues in frozen foods (我已为冷冻食品部鞠躬尽瘁)
And I just wanna say (此刻我只想说)
God bless the helpful smile in every aisle (上帝保佑每条过道上的善意微笑)
I couldn't ask for more (我对一切都心满意足)
And I'm glad I got my first real job (很高兴我得到的第一份工作)
Working in this grocery store (便是在这家杂货店干活)
In this grocery store (在Hy-Vee杂货店)
In this grocery store (尽管工作劳累奔波)
So thank you kindly(Yeah, you mean the world to me) (衷心感谢你 你对我来说意义非凡)
I owe ya, Hy-Vee (Hy-Vee杂货店 我欠你个人情)
Yeah, I owe ya (感谢你给我这次机会)

Don't stop until you reach the stars (不要停下脚步 直到实现梦想为止)
Climb the ladder of success (去攀登成功的阶梯)
Show the world what you do best (向世界展示你最擅长的方面)
Yeah, you were made for this (那种与生俱来的天赋)
So chase your passion and not your paycheck (追寻你的热情 别光考虑薪水)
Be proud of what you have (为你所拥有的感到骄傲)
And put in the work until your signature (怀着满腔热血投入工作)
Becomes an autograph (直到签字成为亲笔签名)
Adam, check please (亚当 麻烦去结下账)
(Help is on the way) (援助马上就到)
Na da da da da da da
Yeah, I'll be filling up the Cool Whip (收到 我要为货架补充盒装奶油)
Adam, check please (亚当 收银台需要你)
I'm on my way (我正在赶去的路上)
I'm filling up the Cool Whip (我正为货架补充盒装奶油)
Adam, check please (亚当 麻烦去结下账)
Yeah, I promise I'm on the way (我保证 我正在赶去的路上)
Everything is beautiful (生活处处皆美丽)
Now that friendly smile in every aisle guaranteed (每条过道上都洋溢着友好的微笑)
That your day was breezy (保证每天都感觉微风习习)
All those hours and (追逐梦想的每分每秒)
Store-bought flowers set me free (以及商店购买的鲜花 都让我感到无比自由)
And freedom meant the world to me (自由对我来说意味着一切)
That friendly smile in every aisle guaranteed (每条过道上都洋溢着友好的微笑)
That your day was breezy (保证每天都感觉风和日丽)
All those hours and (追逐梦想的每分每秒)
Store-bought flowers set me free (以及商店购买的鲜花 都让我感到无比自由)
And freedom meant the world to me (自由对我来说意味着一切)
Help is on the way (追寻心之所向 路上自有贵人相助)

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