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PRESSURE - Machine Gun Kelly
ID 46865




PRESSURE - Machine Gun Kelly


PRESSURE - Machine Gun Kelly

作词 : Charlie Handsome/Ghostrage/Joe Reeves/Colson Baker/Brandon Allen/Steve Basil
作曲 : Charlie Handsome/Ghostrage/Joe Reeves/Colson Baker/Brandon Allen/Steve Basil
La la la la
La la la la
La la la, la la la la
La la la, la la la la

The diamonds are symbolic of all of the pressure they put on me until I shine (La la la, la la la la) (这钻石就是他们一直对我施压直到我闪耀的象征)
My life is symbiotic with the culture I could never ever lose the vibe (La la la, la la la la) (我与这文化共存所以我从未感到陌生)
Make sure they're rolling one up for me cause it's been a long ride (La la la, la la la la) (记得给我卷一发烟因为这一路漫漫风尘)
We doing this one for Money T, keep his name alive (La ho la) (这首歌献给Money T 为他于世长存)

(Yeah) La la la, la la la la
La la la, la la la la
La la la, la la la la
La la la, la la la

Hold up (等等我要切调了)
I know how to make an entrance I hop out the truck in a fur with some henchman (Hmph) (心腹围绕着我穿着皮草跳下皮卡,我知道如何盛大登场)
You can skip the introduction, I'm introverted, I don't want your attention (Eh) (不用多做介绍,我很内向不求你关注)
Stand on whatever I say, I'll say it to your face, I don't do it in mentions (For real) (言行合一,我有话当面直说真不会旁敲侧击)
I believe God had to put me through hell so that I could learn me a lesson (我相信上帝让我从地狱走一遭是为了给我上堂课)
I was eleven (Damn), sharing a bed with my dad but didn't have a bedroom (我当时11岁和我爹同睡一张床,甚至没有自己的卧室)
In a recession (Yeah), six of us in a Ford Explorer, didn't have legroom (没钱的时候我们六人睡在一辆SUV里,脚都伸不直)
Everything's destined (So), it was inevitable I'd take on his aggression (好似一切天注定,所以我得直面打击)
Mad at the world cause I'm feeling rejected (因为我感到被世界抛弃,所以我对其报以愤怒)
Guess that I gotta die to be a legend (我猜我死了才能成为传奇)

La la la, la la la la
La ho la, la la la la (Turn up)

Holy shit (我滴乖乖)
Showing, showing naked ass (我滴龟龟!)
C Town bring them slabs out (Out, boom, boom, boom) (克利夫兰把车都开出来(*SLAB:Slow Loud And Banging,多用于美国南部的俚语,代指改的花里胡哨贼吵的车))
Open the toilet and took a piss (打开马桶撒泡尿)
Open my mouth, I'm talking shit (Uh) (张开嘴巴就开喷)
Open accounts cause this money don't fit in a safe my accountant can't count the shit (钱多到我的会计都数不过来,保险箱也装不下只好去银行开个账户)
This look counterfeit (这衣服虽然看起来像假货)
If I wear it it's priceless, can't count the fit (Yeah) (但我穿上它就变得巨贵,你就说这穿搭叼不)
Stack it up tall as a mountain is (Yeah) (钱堆起来像山一样高)
I grow money on trees like a botanist (我像植物学家一样,不过他种树我种钱)
When you dropping this? (“这首歌啥时候发?”)
Right now (“就现在!”)
I just made the hardest shit I ever heard right now (我刚做了首我迄今为止听过最叼的歌)
Wait a minute (等等)
Look where I was and where I'm at right now (看看我已经今非昔比啦)
In a plane with no passengers in it, over Cleveland about to touch down ((原来挤经济舱)现在我坐的都是没其他乘客的私人飞机,飞过克利夫兰准备降落了)
I got the car keys in the Carhartt (我虽然有车钥匙)
I don't need them though I push and the car start (Skrrt) (但我用不着因为我一按钮就着车了(有PUSH START一键启动))
I got the icing like a Pop Tart and I stay spitting fire like a Charizard (Hah) (我浑身珠光宝气就像Pop-Tarts一样靓(*icing在双关自己身上佩戴的“钻石”和预制糕点pop tart上面的“糖霜”),我开火就像喷火龙一样叼(*machine gun机关枪开火))
I used to be broke couldnt afford a heater way back in the day when I was opening for Wiz Khalifa (Yeah) (老早之前我穷得连微波炉都买不起,那时我还只配给Wiz开场)
I just got myself out of a misdemeanor, he said that he wasn't there, I told him that I wasn't either (I wasn't) (我才从一起小案件中脱身,他开脱说他不在案发现场,俺说俺也不在)
I broke every bone except my middle finger (**** you) (我浑身是伤唯独中指还健在(FK U))
Only had a heartbreak once, I won't have two (我只会心碎一回,绝不再有下次)
Free Young Thug pour a two liter (把Young Thug放出来(*Young Thug于2022年5月9日因被指控为YSL街头犯罪黑帮的老大等罪名入狱),来倒杯“饮料”(*有兴趣的可以自己百度“pour a 4 in a 2”))
Why is everybody singing like they're Dua Lipa (Yeah) (咋每个人唱歌时都像自己是Dua Lipa一样?)

La la la la la
La la la la la (Yeah)

(Hey we doing this shit one take ((“这首歌我们一遍过好不”)
Green light, don't stop, go) (“绿灯亮了,别停,继续唱”))
I wear chains with my shirt off when I get my d**k sucked (我在被嗦时不穿上衣,脖挂大金链)
And she keep it in her throat like she got the hiccups (她一直含着被呛到就像在打嗝)
I ain't talk about no mouth though if we hit the lick up (就算我干了票大的挣了快钱我也不会大嘴巴乱说话)
I don't sell, I used to snort this shit, open that brick up (把它拆开我以前要吸,但我不贩而且也改过自新了)
I don't give a **** about who's streaming, pull the list up (我才不在乎谁在放歌,把我的歌单再来一遍)
I'm a father, look at what I did to raise these kids up (我是一个父亲,看看我都做了些什么才拉扯大孩子们)
There won't be a day I need a vest under my zip up (我永远不会在外套里穿个防弹背心(不在怕的))
Cause every time they try to send a shot it always missed us (Doo, drr) (因为他们每次想枪我的时候都整偏了)
I heard that shit in real life (那些轶事我在现实生活中虽都有所耳闻)
I do not fear the afterlife (但我也不畏惧来生)
My cousin tried to suffocate me he said the voice in his head was Jesus Christ (我表兄曾想掐si我时说他脑海中浮现出了上帝的指引)
Healing my bruise with a piece of ice (我当没事儿一样用冰敷来缓解淤青)
I held it myself when I needed a family, instead I was left to my own device (每当我想要有个家时我总是藏在心里,所以我总是被撇下独自一人)
Swallowed a pill like a piece of rice (然后我就像吃饭一样吞下药片)
I slept in the attic, had demon nights (在阁楼入睡,噩梦连连)
That's in the house off Lee Road (那是在“Lee路”边的房子里发生的(*Lee Road在克利夫兰,估计是彼时回忆吧))
I saw my friend's eyes change (我看到朋友眼里的光芒逐渐消逝)
Now he's just a body with no soul (现在他应该只是具没有灵魂的躯壳了吧)
I been in the game, got a lot of ex's (我也曾身处情场得志,有一堆前任)
Look like a cheat code (Eh) (就像是开了挂一样)
I had a couple rappers leaving out the spot with their teeth broke (Shh) (我也曾出手让很多说唱歌手吃不了兜着走(给人牙干碎))
You can see the double R's when I creep slow (When I creep slow) (我玩儿欲擒故纵时你就能看到我炫耀RR(*Rolls Royce劳斯莱斯)的车标了)
You can't have my d**k if you can't d********t (No) (如果你吞的不够深就别想要我的人了)
Yeah, turn up my voice, make this beat low (来,把我的人声放大点,beat声音搞小点(唱这两句时确实背景音小很多))
I create the wave but I don't own no beach clothes (虽然我造浪但是我真没有去沙滩穿的衣服(*wave双关沙滩边的“海浪”,和MGK所创造的“时代潮流”))
Lately I've made a lot of enemies (最近我树敌蛮多)
Lately I've been going through it mentally (最近我精神状态也不太好)
So I got my palm on a rock in my pocket in public protecting my energy (Uh) (所以我出门时都手揣兜里握着块石头来保护我的能量(...))
Spiritually you couldn't measure me (No) (精神层面上我深不可测)
My soul has been here for a century (Yeah) (我灵魂在这里已存续了一个世纪)
We came outta high school together and now he tweaking off the m*************e (我们一路从高中同学走来,现在还在一起嗨皮)

(La la la la la la la la la la la)
We throwing L's like (我们从不当loser!)
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
Real Up The Way shit (正儿八经的克利夫兰东部人(*Up The Way代指克利夫兰很东边的地区,也是MGK上高中的地方))
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
You see the double X's (看到Slim XX了吧(*double X代指Slim XX,也就是Brandon Allen,本歌的制作人之一))
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
We outside b***h (我们冲出来咯)
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
Throwing L's right (我们真不当loser!)
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
Real Cleveland shit (克利夫兰真是叼)
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
You see those double X's (看到两个X的品质保障了没)
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
We outside b***h (士别三日当刮目相待!)
Yeah, meet me on Floor 13 (我们13楼见!(*Floor 13是MGK2019年发的歌))

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