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Solitude(独处) - Jason Kramer
ID 46929




Solitude(独处) - Jason Kramer


Solitude(独处) - Jason Kramer

作词 : Jason Kramer
作曲 : Jason Kramer
Cover Design: Jason Kramer (封面设计: Jason Kramer)
Recording Engineer: Houser Yang (录音工程师: Houser Yang)
Mixing & Mastering: CANCER61 (混音&母带: CANCER61)
Audio Design: CANCER61 (音频设计: CANCER61)
I don't want no noises (我不想..)
Meditate my soul, (通过这样的杂音来引导我冥想)
Isolated oh (即使是被孤立的)
Was Isolated (也请让我这样与世隔绝...)
I should've told myself that (HOPE) (也许我早该告诉自己)
Should keep on drowning with their intricate caps (与其伴随著遗憾生不如死)
Instead of dying with some regrets (不如试著戴上那顶充满错综复杂谎言的帽子)
Prolly assimilated love into cross hatreds (但这份“爱”就会随之同化成交叉的仇恨)
I don't wanna know (Don’t wanna) (我主观上不想知道)
I don't wanna show, (Don’t wanna) (更不想表达这份情意)
The collar has been crimson soaking thru (随著这陈旧的衣领早已被深红色侵染)
Even got the voices but I can't feel loose (即使脑子里有说不清的声音, 但我仍然不能感到放松)
I'm in a city, called it solitude (我身处在一所名为“独处”的都市)
I don't chase the vanity (我不为满足虚荣而动摇)
Cuz I got lot to climb (我清楚我想要的不会唾手可得)
Paralyze in tides, watch they go inside (看著他们麻痹在涌动的“潮流”中)
The part of life, hate to disguise (Yeah) (人生的这一部分, 是我讨厌的伪装)
Holding on a whole can (握紧我所拥有的点点滴滴)
Without comparison (我学会不再与任何人比较)
Force came out of ambition (曾经力量来源于野心)
Leaving out all arrogance (但我现在丢弃了所有傲慢)
Running outta time, baby (宝贝... 快没时间了...)
Running outta time, almost (留给我的时间不多了...)
Running outta egos, I (放弃了傲慢与自负, 我...)
I don't wanna know (Don’t wanna) (我主观上不想知道)
I don't wanna show, (Don’t wanna) (更不想表达这份情意)
The collar has been crimson soaking thru (随著这陈旧的衣领早已被深红色侵染)
Even got the voices but I can't feel loose (即使脑子里有说不清的声音, 但我仍然不能感到放松)
I'm in a city, called it solitude (我身处在一所名为“独处”的都市)
I don't wanna know (Don’t wanna) (我主观上不想知道)
I don't wanna show, (Don’t wanna) (更不想表达这份情意)
The collar has been crimson soaking thru (随著这陈旧的衣领早已被深红色侵染)
Even got the voices but I can't feel loose (即使脑子里有说不清的声音, 但我仍然不能感到放松)
I'm in a city, called it solitude (我身处在一所名为“独处”的都市)
Don’t need ado and I still reply (我不会无缘无故给自己找麻烦, 但我始终保持回复)
Not playing dumb cuz I gotta think twice (不是装傻, 而是我需要三思而后行)
Disguised, be defined (与其伪装和被他人定义)
I decided to go wisely (我宁愿保持坦诚)
Keep on tying my whole mindset while (在向自己忏悔的同时)
I’m getting a confession to myself (持续勒紧心态)
Live on the guilt (活在内疚里)
Be constrained, (被约束)
Things I been deal (这些跟我打交道的事情)
Split feels, dying outta window (让我情感分裂, 休克在窗外)
Did I bother, it’ll float (如果对你来说是个麻烦, 我会终有一天也会离开)
I don't chase the vanity (我不为满足虚荣而动摇)
Cuz I got lot to climb (我清楚我想要的不会唾手可得)
Paralyzed in the lost (在迷失中瘫痪)
Soon as possible get cuffed (尽可能快地被锁住双脚)
Think I rlly need a toss (我想我需要赌一把了)
Where u gotta go (可你要去哪)
Where u gonna go (可你会去哪...)
Take the soul (带著这份灵魂...)
Define a home (难道你不会孤独吗...)
Don’t u feel alone (给自己安个家吧..)
J, hit the roam (去吧J, 跟随自己的节奏漫游)
Running outta time, baby (快没时间了...)
Running outta time, almost (留给我的时间不多了...)
Running outta egos, I (放弃了傲慢与自负, 我...)
I don't wanna know (Don’t wanna) (我主观上不想知道)
I don't wanna show, (Don’t wanna) (更不想表达这份情意)
The collar has been crimson soaking thru (随著这陈旧的衣领早已被深红色侵染)
Even got the voices but I can't feel loose (即使脑子里有说不清的声音, 但我仍然不能感到放松)
I'm in a city, called it solitude (我身处在一所名为“独处”的都市)
I gotta feed my fams (我得照顾好家人)
That’s why I grind for flame (所以才为擦出火花)
Don’t tryna be offensive (不想变得冒犯)
Lonely but I’m not phoney, or fake friendly in the Jurassic (我虽孤身一人但我不会变得虚伪, 也不会在这侏罗纪般的社会中假装友好)
I wanna do more than greetings (我想做的不仅仅是与你“表面问候”而已)
Hold these outdated cages (为了撕碎我所有的面貌, 仇恨和往事)
For all my faces, hatreds, light up the pages (我抓住这些在他人看来过时的牢笼 (“歌曲风格”))
Killing the cringes, weakness, (消灭畏缩, 软弱)
All being vanished, duh (让它们化为乌有)
Have known the girl on trust (我很信任她)
The words get blocked there (但所有的想说的却仿佛被挡在嘴边)
Frustrate me is reversing of my fate n the offers in plastic (挫败我的是在我试图扭转命运时, 卡里的数字不足以承担责任)
That’s iconic, don’t deserve it till I get it (在值得以前这都是标志性的)
Tryna take responsibility (为了工作把所有欲望放在一边)
Put desire away for working (试著担起责任)
And I’m still searching (当你听到这首歌时)
Once u listen this (我已经起身开始追寻...)
I'm in a city, (我身处在一所)
Called it solitude (名为“独处”的都市)

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