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Realest - Ez Mil/Eminem
ID 47100




Realest - Ez Mil/Eminem


Realest - Ez Mil/Eminem

作词 : Luis Resto/Ezekiel "Slashmouth" Miller/Marshall Mathers
作曲 : Luis Resto/Ezekiel "Slashmouth" Miller/Marshall Mathers
If I was in the Philippines, he'll be like my muh****in' Malcolm X to my Martin Luther King (如果我也是菲律宾人,那么他(ez mil)就像是我的MALCOLM X或是马丁路德金的存在)
Because he ain't a fightin' to go unnoticed (因为他不是为了默默无闻而如此奋斗)
There's no way I was gonna cross 'em off like he's just some any rapper, like a one-hit wonder (Yeah) (我绝对不可能无视他的努力好像他也不过如此一般,或是某个昙花一现的rapper)

I'm on whatever you on, I ain't gon' talk on the phone (Haha) (你想咋的我都奉陪到底,哥们不在电话里嘴炮)
Keep that same energy ****in' with enemies (对待敌人也保持同样的精力)
It's gettin' temptin' to run in your home (Who did that?) (把我惹急直接登门拜访你)
Huh, buddy, I do it alone, Cudi said word to my homes (哥们,我一人走到现在,致敬前辈Kid Cudi)
Don't just go hit 'em 'cause I gotta drive (没办法直接灭了他们因为我手在方向盘上)
You focus on aimin' that blick at his dome, no cap (让兄弟秒准着脑门上打,不开玩笑)
You mother****ers be lucky as **** that ain't nobody envious of you enough (你们可真走运,从来没人羡慕嫉妒恨你们)
Take it from me like a brother who dug off the mud on his head but done ended up cuffed (听听我这个好不容易生活有了盼头却又进了监狱的兄弟的建议)
Then he just gets back, backed out again into a world where you double what he did (然后他又不得不回到这个世界拿出两倍的劲儿来拼命奋斗)
'Cause you learn, you give it up, or get ****ed in turn, homie (因为你学到过要么玩命要么就被命玩啊,哥们)

I'm the realest in the business and everybody gon' be envious of my beginnings (在这个圈子里我真实至极所有人都在羡慕我的开局)
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies, so stop tryna be another addition (手下的兄弟都是手上有人命的罪人,别过来送人头)
'Cause I'm the realest in the business and everybody gon' be envious of my beginnings (在这个圈子里我真实至极所有人都在羡慕我的开局)
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies, so stop tryna be another addition (手下的兄弟都是手上有人命的罪人,别过来送人头)

I done got hit on the head, barely survived that shit (Okay) (曾经脑子上挨过一次,差点没挺过来)
Minus a nine from ten, Eminem's spot still sits (十减去九,那依旧是我大哥Eminem的位置)
But **** a position, I'm tunin' him in (但管他什么地位,把他拉过来一起嗨)
Let all you rock out with it, I ain't ever gonna be an opt-out mission (让你们也摇起来,我手上就没有搞砸的活儿)
Get the Glock out with it, get to poppin', dip out and smoke (格洛克也整起来,突突突就是干,熄灭战火)
With the homies we mobbin', while I'm cleanin' the stash of my calibers (哥几个清扫战场,而我在一边忙着清空弹夹)
Some of them might got ya' name on 'em (当心几颗子弹上可能就刻着你的名字)
Wanna brag about shit that could happen (别天天一张嘴只会空谈幻想)
I am the reason that they got a chain on 'em (我就是为何他们都戴着枷锁镣铐)
When I rap, they consider me a Gatling (哥们一旦rap起来,他们以为谁扛来了台加特林)
Fillin' up mags, I'm finna go clapping (子弹压满,马上就要开火)
Get in that bag with a gold B rabbit, I know they hate this flow (和那只黄金B-兔子(Eminem)一起出场,来点他们不喜欢的flow)
I'm in the mode to get to killin' again with the best stick in your dome (调整至一击必杀模式,带着最狠的AK直冲你脑门)
You're never gettin' a penny or less, stealin' the flows (你这种偷flow的小贼最后分文无收)
And I'ma spread it again as a test, sick of these hoes (这段flow的展开就是对我厌倦的娘们的测试检验)
They get to *****in', the bigger the breasts, nevertheless (她们也只会bb,胸大无脑她们也不过如此)
I'ma get it, enter with that trigger, never better (而我就要起飞,手指放在扳机上进场,状态从未如此之好)
Instead of settin' the bet up, I let up with the Beretta (与其与谁赌来赌去,我直接上巴雷特)
Make it, "Duka-duka-doo," on you ******* in front of PETA (突突突突当着动物保护组织的面把你们都宰了)
'Cause I'm kinda gettin' fed up of leavin' y'all wet up like (只把你们吓尿对我来说可不够)

I'm the realest in the business and everybody gon' be envious of my beginnings (在这个圈子里我真实至极所有人都在羡慕我的开局)
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies, so stop tryna be another addition (手下的兄弟都是手上有人命的罪人,别过来送人头)
'Cause I'm the realest in the business and everybody gon' be envious of my beginnings (在这个圈子里我真实至极所有人都在羡慕我的开局)
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies, so stop tryna be another addition (手下的兄弟都是手上有人命的罪人,别过来送人头)

Guess I've really no right to complain much (Nah) (我猜我也确实没啥可抱怨的)
Hip-hop has been good to me, huh? (Well) (嘻哈圈待我不薄哈)
But when they say that I'm only top five (所以当他们说我白皮只配当第五的时候)
'Cause I'm white, why would I be stunned? (Huh) (我也不觉得有多震惊)
My skin color still workin' against me (What?) (我的肤色还在拖我后腿)
'Cause second I should be to none (Ha) (因为论实力我说第二没人敢说第一)
Being white ain't why they put me at five (Nope) (我不是因为白皮才当上的第五)
It's why they can't put me at one (Woo) (而只是因为白皮他们才不甘心把我放第一(爆))
They come in with more venom (他们带着更多的恶毒过来了)
So the haters, I'm aimin' it toward them (Brr) (所以对于黑子们我也不客气地奉还给他们)
And all the envious rappers, I torch if I'm on a joint with 'em (Yeah) (嫉妒我的rapper们一首歌就把你们一把火烧完)
And that is the only retort, is I'm not played in the clubs (What?) (说我的歌在夜店里没人放,那么这将是我的唯一反击)
Mother****er, put a cork in it (傻X们都给我闭嘴吧(The Game))
Only reason they still play your shit in the club (Why?) (他们还在夜店里面放你歌的唯一原因)
Is 'cause you still perform in 'em (Ha-ha) (是你也只配在夜店里表演了(老子都是在大体育馆里表演的))
I am the guest in this house but I turn this ***** to a mansion (What? Yeah) (说我是这栋嘻哈房子里的过客,但是我把它升级成了豪宅)
That's an expansion, made it gargantuan (Huh, what?) (这就叫扩张,带领圈子走向全世界)
England, Germany, France and Japan's in this ***** (Huh, yeah) (遍布英格兰,德国,法兰西还有日本)
Even Dubai, because my music, they do buy (What?) (甚至是迪拜,因为我有歌他们是真买)
You died tryin' the scientist (你到死的那天也没法超越我)
Two psychiatrists could not unscrew my head off (来一个科学家和两个精神科的也没法把我脑袋拧开)
The blue-eyed devil, I never quit, do I? (Nah) (白皮蓝眼的洋鬼子,我从来不退缩,没毛病不?)
Nah, 'cause you know you'd get washed like a bar of soap (Yeah) (因为你知道你洗起来就像块肥皂(过气))
You *****, you wouldn't give a cigar to smoke (Ha-ha) (再加上你是个雪茄都不敢抽的怂包)
And I know that it eats at your heart like an artichoke (Yeah) (我也知道这惨痛的事实让你抓心挠肝)
Because you know that's how likely you are to choke (Yeah) (让你一口气上不来被自己气到窒息)
Your heart is broke as I rip you apart (当我把你撕成两半你的心也碎成一地哥们发疯般吐出一句又一句好词)
I go bananas, proceed to spit every bar, bro (Damn) (哥们发疯般吐出一句又一句好词)
I was speaking before my mother's water broke (我妈羊水没破我就开始rap了你怎么和我比)
It's not even close, you *****, I'm by far the G.O.A.T (比都比不了,小表砸,老子目前为止就是最强)
Gen Z is actin' like rap experts, zip up your gaps and close your mouths (Yeah) (Z时代的小屁孩们害搁那儿装说唱专家呢,别喷粪了,闭好嘴)
*****, you ain't been on this planet long enough to tell me how rap's supposed to sound (Nah) (你还没在这地球上活够数来告诉老子说唱应该是什么样的)
Y'all need to stick to what you do best (What?), shootin' schools up, gat', go load up rounds (你们还是做好自己最擅长的事吧,那就是跑到校园里搞抢击案)
In your parents' gats and go to class and let off with the strap and go to town (Uh-huh) (带上你们爹妈的小手枪,跑到班上突突突乱杀,然后再找地方藏)
Shout to the Furious Five and Grandmaster Flash, but, boy (Whaddup, though?) (在这里向furious five和grandmaster flash致敬)
This someone who really is furious, stay out his path, his wrath, avoid (现在我是真的怒了,不想被我的怒火夺走小命的赶快跑远点)
And I'll be the last to toy with, this juice-head, his brain is like half destroyed (不然你会后悔惹了我,某人的小脑袋一半都坏完了)
Like a meteor hit it (一道流星划过,又一条生命逝去)
Well, there went Melle Mel, we lost his ass to 'roids (Damn) (缅怀Melle Mel,BYD嗑胆固醇把自己小命嗑没了)
And God was like, "I got 'em, but I'm gonna start 'em at the bottom of the barrel (上帝罩着你姆爷,但他给了我一个天崩开局)
Brought him in the world where the mother was on valium him and his father was a coward (当妈的嗑药,当爹的逃跑)
Taught him as a child when the ****in' body was around (从小教会了我不拼命就要丢命)
Had to get himself up and out of poverty, and now (只能靠自己的双脚站起来并走出贫困,而现在)
Not even a growl in his stomach, gotta be a hound" (肚子里听不到一声咕噜叫,有也是家里猎犬的肚子在叫)
'Til they put your body in the ground, prolly gonna sound like a cliche (把看我不爽的全埋到三尺之下,听起来未免有些陈词滥调)
But when haters try to beat you down, say "**** 'em" (但当黑子想把你打倒时,你必须站起来让他们全部滚蛋)

'Cause I'm the realest in the business and everybody gon' be envious of my beginnings (在这个圈子里我真实至极所有人都在羡慕我的开局)
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies, so stop tryna be another addition (手下的兄弟都是手上有人命的罪人,别过来送人头)
'Cause I'm the realest in the business and everybody gon' be envious of my beginnings (在这个圈子里我真实至极所有人都在羡慕我的开局)
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies, so stop tryna be another addition (手下的兄弟都是手上有人命的罪人,别过来送人头)

I'm just playin' Gen Z (我只是玩玩,Z时代们)
You know I love you (你知道我爱你们)

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