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American Flags - Tom MacDonald/Adam Calhoun
ID 47431




American Flags - Tom MacDonald/Adam Calhoun


American Flags - Tom MacDonald/Adam Calhoun

作曲 : Adam Calhoun/Tom MacDonald (迎风飘扬的美利坚旗帜)
American Flags
My people of this country and we're under attack (在这个国度的人民们,我们举国上下正在经历一场空前的浩荡灾难)
They banning us, they cancel us for speaking the facts (他们因我们说出了刺耳的事实而妄图封锁我们自由表达的观点)
If you man enough, come stand with us, take USA back (倘若你的勇敢赤诚之心仍在跳动,和我们共筑同一战线,并奋勇将自由的美利坚夺回来)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们现身时,所见唯有那)
American flags (荣耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (星条闪耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (迎风飘扬的美利坚之旗)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们彰显态度时,所见唯有那)
American flags (捍卫自由光芒的美利坚之旗)
I ain't never gonna pretend that I give a damn (我从不佯装顾忌)
Anybody who's offended come get it, we throwing hands (对于那些凡是因言心理防线崩溃的懦夫们,我们与)
Anybody not tryna make America great again (那群妄图阻止使美利坚再次伟大的卖国贼争锋相对 )
You a pawn, you a clown, better know where I stand (你这个与贪婪捆绑在一起的荒谬小丑,最好识相我立场所在何方)
I'm a white boy with the middle fingers in the air dog (我是一位鄙夷一切不公和罪恶,桀骜不驯的白人小伙)
(We don't give a what?) ((我们不屑一顾?))
Hundred white boys gonna hold me down anywhere, dog (不计其数的白人同胞们坚定地支持着我,伙计)
(We think that you suck) ((我们都觉得你糟糕透顶啦))
My patriots the craziest (我的爱国拥簇们,狂热之至)
They ain't afraid of breaking fists on faces if (他们对于使用滚烫拳头痛击虚伪的嘴脸毫无畏惧,假如)
You really want a taste of this, no safety clip (你真的想尝一尝其滋味的话,提醒一下哦,没有任何给你逃跑的机会)
Just aim the stick and spray the clip I pray you miss (那就屏气上膛,射出我盼你失手的子弹)
'Cause if you don't they gon' go wacko (因为你不愿他们开启暴走模式)
Automatic gun smoke like tobacco (机枪火烟漫如烟草雾)
Never hit a lady but it's pretty hard to tell if you're a girl (枪林弹雨之中,从未有任何女性被击中,但如今你却很难分辨出究竟女性的定义为何)
Or a they them theirs these that those (无非是关于性别议题的政治正确把戏罢了)
I ain't never gonna take a knee for the anthem, smack 'em (我将永不向靡靡之音屈躬卑膝,而是粉碎它)
I don't give a damn, can't stand 'em (我对之不屑一顾,毫不认同)
Gang full of randoms, fan with a handgun (身处于一个充满陌生与不信任的社会,只要其中有极端狂热份子)
Run up on your mansion, leave it all abandoned (细声潜入你的人生,你的未来与梦想便会慢慢生锈)
I was raised to be brave to the grave, United States (我从小就被教育要无畏艰辛,坚韧不拔,对祖国忠诚)
We love the country that they been corrupting (我们深爱着遭到他们长期腐蚀的北美大地)
Go woke and go broker if you ain't awake (如果你还未觉醒,就会陷入岌岌可危的境界)
My people of this country and we're under attack (这个国度的人民们,我们举国上下正在经历一场空前的浩荡灾难)
They banning us, they cancel us for speaking the facts (他们因我们说出了刺耳的事实而妄图封锁我们自由表达的观点)
If you man enough, come stand with us, take USA back (倘若你的勇敢赤诚之心仍在跳动,和我们共筑同一战线,并奋勇将自由的美利坚夺回来)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们彰显态度时,所见唯有那)
American flags (荣耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (星条闪耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (迎风飘扬的美利坚之旗)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们彰显态度时,所见唯有那)
American flags (捍卫自由光芒的美利坚之旗)
Got the AK, AR, Draco (握紧AK,AR,Rraco)
Leave you stinking, break your ankles (让你浑身难受,再把你的脚踝打断)
I'm not hearing what you saying (我才不管你在胡言乱语什么)
Hit the pavement, now you seeing angels (重重地倒在地上,现在你见到了天使了吧)
It get dangerous go against the patriots (反对勇敢的爱国者们会使你的处境变得困难)
Go all the bangers (拿出所有的枪支)
Take a look inside my closet (凑近瞧瞧我的壁橱)
You gon' see way more than hangers (你会看到除了衣架之外的事物)
Hammers like I do construction (是摧毁社会顽疾的致命武器)
Ammo, I'ma shoot at something (填满弹药,我要击垮那些寄居于灵魂的邪恶)
Why you think we own these guns (你为什么认为我们持有这些可怕的枪支)
So we can just go do some hunting? (仅仅为了打猎消磨时光呢?)
You must not play close attention (你定是没有留心观察)
Government, they want division (现任政府想要制造紧张的对立)
Only treason if you lose (只有败者才被视为叛国)
I guarantee we come out winning (我敢保证我们定能摘下胜利的果实)
Let my flag fly high like eagles (让我熠熠生辉的星条旗宛如雄鹰般自由翱翔)
I would die for all my people (我愿意为我的人民赴汤蹈火)
You can't change me with procedures (你无法通过肮脏的把戏动摇我)
I'm 'bout freedom, you 'bout evil (我代表的是自由的荣光,而你正是一切罪恶的代表)
Leave you hanging from the ceiling (神圣的审判最终将你高悬于你所犯下的罪行之上)
Like chandeliers in cathedrals (就像教堂里的吊灯那样)
Never have the safety on (我们永远不上保险)
And when we run out we just reload (当弹尽粮绝时,我们只是为了下一次的反扑)
My people of this country and we're under attack (在这个国度的人民们,我们举国上下正在经历一场空前的浩荡灾难)
They banning us, they cancel us for speaking the facts (他们因我们说出了刺耳的事实而妄图封锁我们自由表达的观点)
If you man enough, come stand with us, take USA back (倘若你的勇敢赤诚之心仍在跳动,和我们共筑同一战线,并奋勇将自由的美利坚夺回来)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们挺身而出时,所见唯有那)
American flags (荣耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (星条闪耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (迎风飘扬的美利坚之旗)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们挺身而出时,所见唯有那)
American flags (捍卫自由光芒的美利坚之旗)
Every time we pull up you see stars, you see stripes (每当我们挺身而出时,你所见皆为绽放自由之光的星星以及那闪烁理性之光的条纹)
You see flags on the cars and the trucks and the bikes (神明庇佑下的美利坚之旗插满北美大地)
Every time we pull up we go hard, we outside (每次我们以正义的姿态现身时,激情昂扬,大街小巷都是我们的身影)
We got flags on our arms that are tatted there for life (我们攥紧手中鲜艳的国旗,那是伴随我们一生的身份认同与骄傲)
Every time we pull up we don't care if you mad (每当我们现身时,我们才不在乎你是否恼羞成怒)
We cherish this land, the haters can get buried in rags (我们珍惜脚下的这片土地,叛国者也会堕入泥淖)
They set fire to old glory turning fabric to ash (他们纵火焚毁老旗,织物成灰)
But every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们挺身而出时,所见唯有那)
American flags (荣耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (星条闪耀的美利坚之旗)
American flags (迎风飘扬的美利坚之旗)
And every time we pull up all you're gonna see's (每当我们挺身而出时,所见唯有那)
American flags (捍卫自由光芒的美利坚之旗)

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