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A Hatful of Dreams - Timothee Chalamet/The Cast of Wonka
ID 48690




A Hatful of Dreams - Timothee Chalamet/The Cast of Wonka


A Hatful of Dreams - Timothee Chalamet/The Cast of Wonka

作词 : Neil Hannon/Paul King/Simon Farnaby
作曲 : Neil Hannon
After seven years of life upon the ocean (结束了七年海上的生活)
It is time to bid the Seven Seas farewell (是时候向“七海”告别)
And the city I've pinned seven years of hopes on (那座承载我七年希望的城市)
Lies just over the horizon, I can hear the harbor bell (就坐落在地平线之上,我能听到港口钟声响)
Land, ahoy (啊嗬!陆地!)

Got a tattered overcoat and battered suitcase (破烂的大衣,破手提箱)
Got a pair of leaky boots upon my feet (脚上穿着一双漏风的靴子)
Gotta drag myself up by my one good bootlace (我得拽着鞋带把自己拖上来)
Gotta work my rotten socks off if I want to make ends meet (如果我想维持生计,就得拼命去工作)
I've poured everything I've got into my chocolate (我把我的一切都倾注给巧克力)
Now it's time to show the world my recipes (现在该向世界展示我的食谱)
I've got twelve silver sovereigns in my pocket (我口袋里有十二个银币)
And a hatful of dreams (怀揣一帽子的梦想)

There's a famous restaurant on every street here (每条街上都有一间知名的餐厅)
There's Brandino's and the Bar Parisian (Restaurant map, sir?) (有布兰迪诺餐厅和巴黎人酒吧(要餐厅地图吗?先生))
Oh, thank you (哦,谢谢)
Got a little map to tell me where to eat here (有张小地图告诉我去哪儿吃饭)
Had a dozen silver sovereigns, now I'm somehow down to ten (曾有一打银币,现在不知怎么只剩十个了)
Want the finest produce? This is where they stock it (That's three sovereigns, mate) (想要最好的农产品?这里就有(那要三个银币,朋友))
Though the prices are suspiciously extreme (Can you pay for it?) (但是价格离谱得令人怀疑(你能付得起吗?))
I've got five, six, seven? (我有五、六、七?)
Six silver sovereigns in my pocket (六个银币在我的口袋里)
And a hatful of dreams (怀揣一帽子的梦想)

Brush your coat, sir? (刷刷你的大衣吗先生?)
No thank you (不了,谢谢)
Cologne? (来点古龙水?)
No, leave me alone (不,离我远点)

At last, the Gallery Gourmet (最后,来到了美食画廊)
I knew that we'd see it one day (我知道我会有天见到它)
It's everything you said, Mama (跟你说的毫无差别妈妈)
And, oh, so much more (哦,有过之而无不及)
Each way that you turn, another famous chocolate store (每个方向都有一个著名的巧克力店)

Here's my destiny, I just need to unlock it (这是我的归宿,只等将它打开)
Will I crash and burn or go up like a rocket? (我会一蹶不振,还是一鸣惊人?)
I got nothing to offer but my chocolate (我没别的东西只有巧克力)
And a hatful of dreams (怀揣一帽子的梦想)

In this city, anyone can be successful (在这城里,所有人都能成功)
If they've talent or work hard, or so they say (只要有天赋或很努力,大家都这么说)
But they didn't mention it would be so stressful (但他们没说过会有这么多压力)
Just to make a dozen silver sovereigns last more than a day (只为让一打银币能用一天以上)

Could you spare a sovereign for a place to sleep, love? (能给我一个银币让我们有地方睡觉吗,亲爱的?)
Of course, here, take all you need (当然,这儿,拿您需要的)
Thank you (谢谢)

I've got one silver sovereign in my pocket (我的口袋里只剩一枚银币)
And a hatful of dreams (怀揣一帽子的梦想)

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