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Stayed Gone(从未回来过) - Andrew Underberg/Sam Haft/Christian Borle/Amir Talai/Joel Perez
ID 48740




Stayed Gone(从未回来过) - Andrew Underberg/Sam Haft/Christian Borle/Amir Talai/Joel Perez


Stayed Gone(从未回来过) - Andrew Underberg/Sam Haft/Christian Borle/Amir Talai/Joel Perez

作词 : AJ RR (Vox: 那个混蛋回来了!)
作曲 : Stay Gone
编曲 : Animat/Animatics Grips
[Vox] That f*cker's back!
[Valentino] I thought he was gone for good too. (Valentino: 我还以为他永远都不会回来了呢)
[Vox] It's been seven years! (Vox: 已经七年了!)
[Valentino] You still pissed he almost beat you last time? (Valentino: 你还在为上次他差点打败你而生气吗?)
[Vox] Uh, f*ck you! (Vox: 额,去你的!)
[Valentino] Just saying. (Valentino: 我只是随便说说)
[Vox] Things have changed a lot since he left town. (Vox: 自从他离开后,这里可是发生了很大的改变)
[Valentino] That's for sure. (Valentino: 那肯定)
[Vox] I gotta send a message of who's really in charge of things now. (Vox: 我要让所有人知道,现在谁才是掌控一切的人!)
Welcome home, I'm gonna make you wish (欢迎回家,我会让你希望)
That you'd stayed gone. (自己没有回来)
Say hello to a new status quo. (向我们的新时代问好!)
Everyone knows that there's a brand new dawn. (每个人都知道这是一个崭新的黎明!)
Turn the TV on! (将我的电视打开!)
[director] Camera, speeds. Rolling in 3,2 (导演:摄像机!片速!胶卷!3!2!)
Welcome to the show (欢迎来到我的节目!)
Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has-been (我们正在讨论一位特别的恶魔)
who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence (他失踪了7年,现在我们居然看到他在镇上活蹦乱跳!)
Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program. (有人想念他吗?有人发现他失踪了吗?来点更多内容!)
So the Radio Demon is back in town. (所以我们亲爱的广播恶魔回归了)
Why is he hanging around? What does it mean for your family? (他为什么在到处乱逛?这对你和你的家人有什么影响吗?)
Well handily, I've got good news. (哦好吧,我这里有不少好消息)
He's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile (他就是个废物,一个老古董,哦我可不想树敌)
But the demon is a coward! (但我不得不说,他就是个懦夫!)
You can take that as gospel. (你就把这当成真理吧)
Pulling my viewers? Impossible! (他难道想把我的观众拉拢过去?别开玩笑了!)
I'm visual, he's barely audible. (我是能看见的,他?听都听不见!)
Stop giving him the time of day, (不要再为他浪费一整天的时间了)
Don't listen to a word he'd say (不要听他说的那些胡话)
I hope he had a nice vacay (我很希望他拥有一个完美的假期)
but he should've stayed away! (但他应该离我远一些!)
While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video (当他躲在那小小的收音机里时,我们早就看上视频了)
And now his medium is getting bloody rare (现在他的收音机,可是变得越来越稀罕了!)
Hell's been better since he split (地狱在他离开后变好了太多)
Where's he been? Who gives a sh*t! (他之前在哪里?没人在乎!)
[Alastor] Salutations, good to be back on the air!
[Alastor] Yes I know it's been a while since someone with style (哦好吧,我知道像我这样,为地狱的大家带来欢欣的广播的人)
[Alastor] Treated hell to a broadcast sinners rejoice (已经很久没有出现了)
[Vox] What a dated voice! (Vox: 哦听到了吗,真是一个老古董的声音!)
[Alastor] Instead of a clout chasing video podcast (阿拉斯托:现在出现的居然只是一个追求名声的视频播客!)
[Vox] Come on! (Vox:哦你能闭嘴吗?!)
[Alastor] Is Vox insecure pursuing allure? (阿拉斯托: Vox一天到晚都这么没有安全感吗?)
[Alastor] Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working? (阿拉斯托: 为了追求名利,在这个和那个之间摇摆不定,难道大家都不买账了?)
[Vox] Ignore his chirping! (Vox: 别听他唧唧歪歪的!)
[Alastor] Every day he's got a new format (阿拉斯托: 他每天都换着花样玩)
[Vox] You're looking at the future! (Vox: 你要看向未来!)
He's the sh*t that comes before that! (Vox:像他这样 的蠢货就是最大的阻碍!)
[Alastor] Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? (阿拉斯托: Vox真的有他所吹嘘的那样强大吗?还是说他在狐假虎威?)
[Alastor] He'd be powerless without the other Vee's (阿拉斯托:没了其他两V,他就什么都不是!)
[Vox] Oh please! (Vox:哦天呐!求你安静点!)
[Alastor] And here's the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team! (阿拉斯托: 给大家再加点料吧,他之前居然邀请我加入他的团队!)
[Vox] Hold on! (Vox:等等!打住!不要再说了!)
[Alastor] I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea (阿拉斯托:很遗憾,我拒绝了,现在他炸毛了,大家好好品品吧)
[Vox] You old timey prick! I'll show you suffering (Vox:你个老古董!混蛋!我这就叫你看看什么是真正的痛苦!)
[Alastor] Uh oh, the TV is buffering~ (阿拉斯托:哎呀呀,这台电视好像需要一点时间缓冲呢~)
[Vox] I'll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little—— (Vox:我迟早灭了你!灭了你这个小——)
[Alastor] I'm afraid you've lost your signal. (阿拉斯托:啧啧,你好像失去了你的信号呢)
Let's begin, I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone (现在,让我们开始吧~我会让你希望,我离你远远的)
Tune on in (现在请收听我的广播吧)
When I'm done (等我完成了这一切)
Your status quo will know its race is run (你所谓的新时代就要输掉比赛了~)
Oh this will be fun (哦亲爱的,我已经想象到这会多么有趣了!)
F*ck! (Vox:去你的啊!)

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