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Phantom Liberty - Dawid Podsiadło/P.T. Adamczyk
ID 48743




Phantom Liberty - Dawid Podsiadło/P.T. Adamczyk


Phantom Liberty - Dawid Podsiadło/P.T. Adamczyk

作词 : Dawid Podsiadło
作曲 : Dawid Podsiadło/P.T. Adamczyk
Found out (找到了 )
Treasures I always lost (瑰宝总是失落)
Legends in rage come back (欢愉总伴随怒火)
I'm watching you (我注视着你)
You gave away your moods (留神脚下别走错)
Tonight (今夜)
I think the time is right (或许时机刚好)
I think the blood is dried (热血已然干涸)
It cries for more (但它嘶吼着渴求更多)
So what are we waiting for? (那我们还在等什么?)
Wires in chains (网路囚禁于枷锁之中)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我才刚开始寻求解脱)
Starting to fade (消逝迫近)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还不愿离去)
It feels like a game (就像一场游戏)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还在探寻破解之道)
You have to play (你无法置身事外)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (出路究竟在哪里)
Lights out (灯光熄灭)
Is this who you really are? (这难道是真实的你吗?)
Can't looking to your eyes (无法直视你的双眼)
Your twisted mind (你那扭曲的心灵)
It's down so dark (如此堕落而黑暗)
We ended now (我们如今已经结束)
It ends right here right now (故事在此地画上句号)
Please tell me you brought the end (告诉我这是你在自作自受)
It's light on the sky (看那点亮黑夜的月光)
You're fading to the moon (而你,将伴着它消散)
Wires in chains (网路囚禁于枷锁之中)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我才刚开始寻求解脱)
Starting to fade (消逝迫近)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还不愿离去)
It feels like a game (就像一场游戏)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还在探寻破解之道)
You have to play (你无法置身事外)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (出路究竟在哪里)
These believers' good are gone (信徒们不再行善)
And try to see what it use for more, or I'll never know (试图看清他们究竟为何,否则我将永不知晓)
Those days I heard crowd (那些人声嘈杂的日子)
Wires in chains (网路囚禁于枷锁之中)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我才刚开始寻求解脱)
Starting to fade (消逝迫近)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还不愿离去)
It feels like a game (就像一场游戏)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还在探寻破解之道)
You can't escape (你无法逃离)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (出路究竟在哪里)
Wires in chains (网路囚禁于枷锁之中)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我才刚开始寻求解脱)
Starting to fade (消逝迫近)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还不愿离去)
It feels like a game (就像一场游戏)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (我还在探寻破解之道)
You can't escape (你无法逃离)
(I'm just starting looking the out of the way) (出路究竟在哪里)
I found out (我找到了)
Treasures I always lost (瑰宝总是失落)
Legends are all forgotten (昔日传奇尽数被遗忘)
Who are you now? (而如今,你又成为了谁?)

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