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Hell Is Forever(《地狱客栈》原声集) - Alex Brightman/Erika Henningsen/Andrew Underberg/Sam Haft
ID 48745




Hell Is Forever(《地狱客栈》原声集) - Alex Brightman/Erika Henningsen/Andrew Underberg/Sam Haft


Hell Is Forever(《地狱客栈》原声集) - Alex Brightman/Erika Henningsen/Andrew Underberg/Sam Haft

[Charlie] I know hell's population is out of control
It's a bad situation and it's taking a toll (这个情况真的是太糟糕了!)
but if we rehab these sinners and cleanse all their souls (但是如果我们能够治疗他们并且净化他们的灵魂)
At my hazbin hotel (当然,是在我的地狱客栈)
Wait I'm getting ahead of myself (哦天哪我讲到哪里了?)
Oh right Extermination (哦对对对,大屠杀!)
I know you guys fly down just to kill once a year (我知道你们每年都得下来一趟)
And it must be annoying to shlep all the way here (这肯定非常麻烦对吧)
And if they join you in heaven (所以说如果我们这里的恶魔能到你们的天堂)
That trip dissapears! (那你们就不用来了!)
You can wave back to farewell (你们就可以挥挥手跟我们这里说再见了!)
It will be a happy day in he- (这会是地狱快乐的-)
Let me stop you right there, save us all precious time (不不不你就在这里打住,我不想浪费我们的时间)
If what you're suggesting (但如果你刚刚是在希望)
Is letting them climb up the ladder (这些愚蠢的恶魔能攀爬上通往天堂的阶梯)
Oh they'd rather cross the pearly gates? (那还不如让他们去死算了!)
[Charlie] Oh, um-
Sorry, sweetie, but there's no defying their fate (哦亲爱的,没必要改变他们的命运)
Cause hell is forever! (因为地狱是永恒的!)
Whether you like it or not (我们不在乎你喜不喜欢它)
they have their chance to behave better (我们已经给过那些恶魔改变的机会了)
Now they boil in the pot! (但他们没有抓住,现在只能在油锅里受苦了)
Cause the rules are black and white (我们的规则黑白分明)
There's no use in trying to fight it (别想着改变它,别想着抗争它)
They are burning for their lives (那些恶魔在燃烧它们的生命)
Until we kill 'em again! (直到我们再次杀死它们!)
Just try to chillax, babe (放轻松,亲爱的)
You're wasting your breath (不要浪费口舌了)
Did I hear you imply that they don't deserve death?! (你不会觉得它们不应该再死一次吧?)
Are they winners? Are they sinners? (它们又不是赢家!它们是罪人!)
Cause it's cut and dried (这一切都很好理解)
[Charlie] (well actually, if you take a look-)
Fair is fair, an eye for an eye out (公平就是公平,它们犯下的罪孽就是已经犯下的)
When all said and done (现在一切都尘埃落定)
There's the question of fun (现在这只是一个有趣的小问题)
And for those of us with divine ordainment (而对于我们这些生来就比你们优越的天使们)
Extermination is entertainment! (大屠杀就是我们小小的游戏!)
Bow-now-now-nownow Guitar solo! (叭啦啦啦啦啦啦 来点吉他独奏!)
F*ck ya! (我去你的!)
(Imitating guitar sounds) ((模仿吉他的噪音))
Hell is forever, whether you like it or not (地狱永远都不会改变,谁管你喜不喜欢!)
Had their chance to behave better (我们已经给过它们机会了)
Now they boil in a pot (但它们没抓住)
Cause the rules are black and white (我们的规则黑白分明)
There's no use in trying to fight it (不要白费力气了)
They are burning for their lives (这些恶魔受到了应有的惩罚)
Until we kill 'em again! (而我们会终止它们的痛苦!)
F*cking hell is forever and it's meant to suck a lot! (这该死的地狱会永远存在,而它就应该这么该死!)
So give up your dumb endeavor (所以收收你的善心)
cause you don't have a shot (赶紧放弃吧)
Long as I got your attention (既然现在你还在看着我)
I guess I should probably mention (那我想我应该再说点什么)
That we've made this determination (我们已经考虑好了)
To move up the next extermination (我们要提前下一次的大屠杀!)
[Charlie] What?
Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts (我们实在是等不及要再一次杀掉那些该死的家伙了)
I know it's just been a week (我知道上一次的大屠杀刚结束)
But we'll be back in six months! (但是我们会在半年后回来的!)
[Charlie] Um, wait, didn't you-
Ugn, sh*t! (哦,该死!)

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