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A World of Your Own - Timothee Chalamet/The Cast of Wonka
ID 48765




A World of Your Own - Timothee Chalamet/The Cast of Wonka


A World of Your Own - Timothee Chalamet/The Cast of Wonka

作词 : Neil Hannon/Paul King/Simon Farnaby
作曲 : Neil Hannon
Close your eyes and count to ten (闭上双眼 再数到十)
Make a wish, now open them (许个心愿 再张开眼)
Here's a store that's like no other (此处商店 绝无仅有)
If it were, I wouldn't bother (倘若存在 绝不打扰)

Chocolate bushes, chocolate trees (巧克力灌木丛 巧克力树)
Chocolate flowers and chocolate bees (巧克力花朵 巧克力蜜蜂)
Chocolate memories that a boy once saved (男孩持以 巧克力的回忆)
Before they melted away (就在其融化前)

A world of your own (这是一个 属于你的世界)
A place to escape to (可以随时光临的避难所)
A world of your own (这是独属于你的世界)
Where you can be free (在此你自由随意)
Wherever you go (无论你前往何方)
Wherever life takes you (无论生活过得怎样)
This is your home (这都会是你的家园)
A world of your own (独属于你的小小世界)

Here is the child that you left behind (这里有你曾抛弃的幼婴)
Here is the kid with the curious mind (这里有位孩童 拥有奇思妙想)
Here is the wonder we used to feel (此处魔法 曾绝未作假)
Back when the magic was real (亦令我们 感受魔力)

A world of your own (独属于你的世界)
A place to go when you're (当你形单影只)
Feeling alone (便可立即前往)
Feeling unsure (哪怕倍感不安)
Embrace the unknown (拥抱未知吧)
Enjoy the adventure (享受这段旅程)

Let's go strolling in the clouds (让我们在云朵上漫步)
Grab a handful, it's allowed (抓下一把 这都可以)
Clouds are made of cotton candy (毕竟云朵 由棉花糖组成)
Just keep your umbrella handy (现在快快抓好雨伞)
'Cause there's a hard rain gonna fall (毕竟大雨 即将倾盆)
Humbugs, gumdrops, and aniseed balls (硬糖 软糖 糖球 即将来袭)
Fireworks bring sugar string (长条糖果 随烟花飘落)
To chew (嚼上几口)
All the colors of the rainbow (来观赏五颜六色的彩虹)
And some others too (当然也有其它奇观)

A world of our own (A world of our own) (这是一个 属于你的世界)
A place to escape to (A place to escape to) (可以随时光临的避难所)
The world of our own (A world of our own) (这是独属于你的世界)
Where we can be free (Where we can be free) (在此你自由随意)
Wherever you go (Wherever you go) (无论你前往何方)
Wherever life takes you (Wherever life takes you) (无论生活过得怎样)
This is our home (Ooh) (这都会是你的家园)
A world of our own (独属于你的小小世界)

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