Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J
ID 48821




Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J


Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J

He did it for us (他为了我们)
The ultimate sacrifice (做出了最后的牺牲)
He gave me his trust (他给了我信任)
And look how we pay the price (可看看我们付出了什么)
This bloodshed could have been avoided (这场血战本不必发生)
If I convinced Heaven to work together (但我没说服天堂加盟)
I took a hotel and I destroyed it (我接受了这家客栈,却把它送入了火坑)
I know I could have done better (我知道我本能做得更好)
Better (更好)
Instead of letting you down (而不是让你们失望)
Lucifer: Come on little lady (别这样,小姑娘)
Why the frown (干嘛垂头丧气?)
In the last 10,000 years (在过去的一万年中)
You're the first one to change this town (你是第一个改变地狱的人)
You can do this (你有这能力)
Now I know it! (现在我也知道了!)
For your story has just begun (因为你的故事才刚刚开始)
You can't quit now (你可不能现在放弃)
Hell, you owe it (老天,这是你应尽之义)
There's still damage to be undone (还有损害去修葺)
You've changed my mind (你改变了我的想法)
You've touched their hearts (你触动了他们的心)
Found the good in souls gone bad (发现了变质灵魂中的美好)
The stage is wrecked (舞台尽毁)
The crowd is gone (观众散尽)
But by god, Charlie! (可是,天哪,夏莉!)
The show it must go on (这场演出可不能停!)
All: We can do this (我们能做到)
We can build it (我们能重铸)
Best hotel that you've ever seen (你见过的最好的酒店)
Twice the bedrooms (双倍的客房)
We can fill it (我们能填满)
Lucifer: With more sinners than you can dream (罪人多得你都无法想象!)
It starts with you (这主意从你开始)
You know it's true (你不认不行)
Fulfill your destiny! (去追逐你的宿命!)
Charlie: So long as I've got all of you with me (只要你们都在我身边就行)
Niffty: To build a hotel (要建造客栈)
I think we need some brick and lumber (需要木材瓦砖)
Lucifer: Good thing we're in Hell, (还好我们在地狱)
check out this little magic number! (看我的魔法!)
Angel: Start with foundation (从地基开始)
Lucifer: A remedial creation for me (补救工作归我)
It's as easy as can be (不能比这更简单了)
Charlie: No time for cryin' (没时间哭泣)
we got a lot of work to do and (有很多活需要我们出力)
we gotta try and (我们要尽力)
make the best of what's in ruins (利用废墟中的一切)
Vaggie: New coat of paint (涂上新漆)
Husk: New lights across the marquee (为大厅挂满新灯)
Charlie: With a little sorcery! (来点魔法助力!)
Vox: After the battle (战斗结束后)
masterless cattle (群魔无主)
Overlords hanging by a thread (地狱领主没了主心骨)
With a bit of bravado (来点虚张声势)
maybe tomorrow (或许明天)
We'll be atop the heap (我们就能把大全掌控)
Valentino: While the rest of Hell's pissing (趁地狱民众惊慌)
Vox: Alastor's missing (趁阿拉斯托失踪)
Fled with his tail between his legs (夹着尾巴逃走了)
Nature abhors a power vacuum (大自然厌恶权力真空)
It leaves room for you and me (你我有机会填补空缺)
The future of Hell belongs to the Vees (地狱的未来在三V手中)
Alastor: This place is reeks of death (这地方充满死亡的气息)
There's a chill in the air (空中有一丝寒意)
And I barely escaped (我死里逃生)
being killed by a hair (只差一丝就命毙)
"Great Alastor Altruist died for his friends" (伟大利他的阿拉斯托为朋友牺牲了自己)
Sorry to disappoint (让你失望了真对不起)
That is not where this ends (这不是故事该终结的地方)
I'm hungry for freedom like never before (我对自由有前所未有的渴望)
The constraints of my deal (那笔交易的束缚)
surely have a back door (准有解开的秘方)
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings (一旦我弄清楚如何解放我的双翼)
Guess who will be pulling (猜猜谁会成为)
all the strings? (幕后操纵的那个?)
All: We can do this (我们能做到)
We'll be better (我们会改善自己)
Though redemption may take a while (虽然救赎可能会花点时间)
Wayward sinners (迷途的罪人)
Clear their ledger (清理他们的账簿)
Alastor: And we're doing it with a smile~ (而我们会微笑着将其实现)
Charlie: We've made a difference wait and see (等着瞧,我们会推动改变)
We're gonna do this you and me (你我联手,一起实现)
All: And then tomorrow it will be (而明天将会是)
A ****in' happy day in Hell (地狱里美好的一天)

为了保障在线试听的流畅性,本站所提供在线试听的《Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J》是经过压缩处理,其音质和本站提供下载的mp3文件有很大的差别。 本站下载的《Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J》是原始音源的MP3文件,绝无压缩,比特率为192Kbps到320Kbps,音质方面绝对保证清脆高清晰。 本页只提供《Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J》低品质在线试听播放,如果要下载此歌曲的高品质MP3文件,请您登录会员后进入下载页面下载。《Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J》是由本站会员上传,如果此歌曲存在版权问题,请与我们联系。在本站下载的音乐歌曲全部是高质量的MP3格式,音质比特率保证在192Kbps-320Kbps,绝非低品质转MP3格式,音质方面绝对保证高清晰

下载《Finale(【地狱客栈】第一季第八集片尾原声) - Erika Henningsen/Jeremy Jordan/Amir Talai/Stephanie Beatriz/Blake Roman/Keith David/Christian Borle/J》MP3
