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DArkSide - Bring Me the Horizon
ID 48851




DArkSide - Bring Me the Horizon


DArkSide - Bring Me the Horizon

作词 : Oliver Sykes/Zakk Cervini
作曲 : Oliver Sykes/Jordan Fish/Lee Malia/Zakk Cervini/Matthew Nicholls/Andrew Goldstein
Sinking under (坠入深渊之中)
Think my angels fallen (我想我的天使早已堕落)
Safe place, plundered (避风港被劫掠一空)
Bastards kicked the doors in (那些混蛋踹开大门)
I picked the stitches (我挑开缝好的伤口)
Now I can’t stop bleeding (无法止住血流)
Three in the morning I ain’t slept all weekend (凌晨三点 我整个周末都无法入眠)
Six feet in the dirt, still breathing (深埋六尺之下 我仍苟延残喘)
Don’t give a **** if my heart stops beating (若我心脏停止跳动 也别再管我)
Hey, I’m begging you to stay (嘿 我正乞求着你能留下)
My darkside won today (我人性中的黑暗将我吞噬)
My heart keeps breaking (我的心碎成千片)
Over and over (永无止境)
Hey, don’t let me out your sight (嘿 别让我离开你的视线)
Can’t trust myself tonight (今夜 我无法相信我自己能平安度过)
My heart keeps breaking (我的心碎成千片)
Can you talk me off the ledge again? (你还能再劝劝身处悬崖之上的我么?)
Something haunts me (若有似无的担忧困扰着我)
Footsteps in the basement (地下室内传来脚步声)
Out of body (我仿若解离)
But there’s no escaping (但我无处可逃)
I picked the stitches (我挑开缝好的伤口)
Now I can’t stop bleeding (无法止住血流)
Three in the morning, I ain’t slept all weekend (凌晨三点 我整个周末都无法入眠)
Six feet in the dirt, still breathing (深埋六尺之下 我仍苟延残喘)
Don’t give a **** if my heart stops beating (若我心脏停止跳动 也别再管我)
Hey, I’m begging you to stay (嘿 我正乞求着你能留下)
My darkside won today (我人性中的黑暗将我吞噬)
My heart keeps breaking over and over (我的心碎成千片 永无止境)
Hey, don’t let me out your sight (嘿 别让我离开你的视线)
Can’t trust myself tonight (今夜 我无法相信我自己能平安度过)
My heart keeps breaking, can you talk me off the ledge again? (我的心碎成千片, 你还能再劝劝身处悬崖之上的我么?)
Somethings in the way (我的忧虑缠绕着我)
Don’t know what I can say (我不知道我还能说些什么)
Memories are haunting me (无数回忆 萦绕心头)
A sickness taking over (无法治愈的顽疾 侵袭我的身躯)
So bury me alive (不如将我活埋)
There’s nowhere left to hide (我无处可藏)
And say goodbye (说出再见)
Cos maybe I (因为 也许我)
Maybe I won't miss me when I’m gone (也许在我消失之后 我不再会怀念自己)
Hey, I’m begging you to stay (嘿 我正乞求着你能留下)
My darkside won today (我人性中的黑暗将我吞噬)
My heart keeps breaking over and over (我的心碎成千片 永无止境)
Hey, don’t let me out your sight (嘿 别让我离开你的视线)
Can’t trust myself tonight (今夜 我无法相信我自己能平安度过)
My heart keeps breaking, can you talk me off the ledge again? (我的心碎成千片 你还能再劝劝身处悬崖之上的我么?)
Can’t trust myself tonight (今夜 我无法相信我自己能平安度过)
Can’t trust myself tonight (今夜 我无法相信我自己能平安度过)
Can’t trust myself (我无法相信我自己)
Can you talk me off the ledge again? (你还能再劝劝身处悬崖之上的我么?)

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