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Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo
ID 540




Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo


Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo

Woke up and just felt right (睁开双眼,感觉良好)
Phone blown like a tailpipe (手机就像跑车排气筒一样震个不停)
Today's schedule air tight (日程满满当当)
I turn a short day into a long night (转眼就从短暂白昼到了漫漫长夜)
See you soon if you got the heart (如果你想,那一会见)
Meet you outside reny park (找个僻静的地方见面)
Hurry up it it's gettin dark (动作快点,天要黑了)
We don't say too much (我们不需要很多言语)
And that says a lot (可一切早已表露无遗)
Hoped into that old benz (钻进一辆老旧奔驰)
Drive through where that road ends (直直冲进死胡同)
Good times with some old friends (与老朋友们一起寻欢作乐)
I got just the thing if you so tense (我这有好货,如果你太紧张了)
If you so tense (那就卷一根)
Burn one lets go do some (呼一口,来一起干点坏事)
Got me stoned as medusa (像美杜莎一般迷惑我吧)
Zoned out with a blank stare (两眼放空瘫倒在一边)
I'm lookin into the future.. (我好像窥探到了未来)

Hold up ain't nothing gonna hold us (撑住,我们可没有后援)
Put the devil to the side (无视一边垂涎的恶魔)
Got an angel on my shoulder (我的肩头自有天使指路)
And I'm like hello (而我会说,你好)
It's good to finally let go (终于能放手的感觉真好)
I ain't worried bout a thing (我不担心任何事)
I just like to keep it mellow (我只想让一切都像棉花糖一般甜蜜)

Yea I like to keep it mello (是的,我就是棉花糖一样甜的人)
I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

It's like 4 am and I'm bored again (凌晨四点,我又感到有点无聊)
When that 40 end (篮球比赛结束了)
When that dream team all played out and they hit bench (我的梦之队全部出局,垂头丧气地坐在冷板凳上)
I just step back lemme soak it in (我踱步回去,再呼一根)
I've Seen the ups and downs (我早已见惯潮起潮落)
So I get it now, I was born to win (而我生来就是赢家)
It's my time bout time, my turn I can't lie (现在我的时代即将到来,我像风暴一样侵入你们的视线,没说错吧)
Waiting for that one spark (一直在等待那灵光一闪的一刻)
My one hope to catch fire (我唯一的点亮世界的机会)
I'm fine , I'm high (我很好,我很嗨)
Light rain through the sunshine (倾盆大雨,我的内心依然晴空万里)
Tryin to man this old boat (都上了棉花糖的贼船吧)
I'm the captain now and it's crunch time (我就是船长,我们出去溜溜)
I don't care if I'm gettin paid (我不在乎钱)
Need the week but I get the day (每天生活节奏是这么的快)
Wide awake when i need sleep (睡意袭来,可我还是埋头工作)
I'm knee deep but I set the way (我呕心沥血创造了新的音乐)
Focused on that one mistake (每一个细节都追求完美)
Let it free don't let it break (我要让你们所有人释放内心,而不是崩溃)
**** it all, I'm turning in (去他妈的,我要上场了)
My celly's off the great escape.. (关掉手机,一起逃离现实)

Hold up ain't nothing gonna hold us (撑住,我们可没有后援)
Put the devil to the side (无视一边垂涎的恶魔)
Got an angel on my shoulder (我的肩头自有天使指路)
And I'm like hello (而我会说,你好)
It's good to finally let go (终于能放手的感觉真好)
I ain't worried bout a thing (我不担心任何事)
I just like to keep it mellow (我只想让一切都像棉花糖一般甜蜜)

Yea I like to keep it mello (是的,我就是棉花糖一样甜的人)
I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

I smoke and keep it mello (我吞云吐雾,像棉花糖一样甜)
I drink and keep it mello (我千杯不倒,像棉花糖一样甜)
Everyday I keep it mello (每一天,我都是你们的棉花糖)
Everyday I keep it mello... (每一天,所有人跟着棉花糖一起嗨)

为了保障在线试听的流畅性,本站所提供在线试听的《Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo》是经过压缩处理,其音质和本站提供下载的mp3文件有很大的差别。 本站下载的《Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo》是原始音源的MP3文件,绝无压缩,比特率为192Kbps到320Kbps,音质方面绝对保证清脆高清晰。 本页只提供《Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo》低品质在线试听播放,如果要下载此歌曲的高品质MP3文件,请您登录会员后进入下载页面下载。《Marshmello / Omar LinX - KeEp iT MeLLo》是由本站会员上传,如果此歌曲存在版权问题,请与我们联系。在本站下载的音乐歌曲全部是高质量的MP3格式,音质比特率保证在192Kbps-320Kbps,绝非低品质转MP3格式,音质方面绝对保证高清晰

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