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Eminem - Venom (Music from the Motion Picture)
ID 7661




Eminem - Venom (Music from the Motion Picture)


Eminem - Venom (Music from the Motion Picture)

I got a song filled with shit for the strong willed (我有首粪意爆表的歌送给那些贼心不死的)
When the world gives you a raw deal (当这个世界给你不公正的待遇时)
Set you off 'til you (把你逼到抓狂)
Scream piss off screw you (直到你愤怒的爆发:滚蛋!去***的!)
When it talks to you like you don't belong or tells you (当邪恶的声音在你耳边呢喃:你根本不配)
You're in the wrong field (或说着你不属于这儿)
When's something's in your mitochondrial (当某种“东西”钻进你的线粒体里)
Cause it latched on to you like (紧紧地纠缠住你,就像)
Knock knock, let the devil in malevolent (开门吧,放恶魔进来)
As I've ever been, head is spinnin' and this medicine (邪恶深植于我的血脉,意识疯狂扭曲)
Screaming, le le le let us in (恶毒的药剂在嘶吼:放我们进去)
Li Li Li like a salad bowl, Edgar Allan Poe (崩毁的社会就像个沙拉碗里什么都有,就像是edgar allan poe的扭曲世界(爱伦坡,美国著名恐怖作家))
Bed ridden, should've been dead a long time ago (病魔缠身,卧床不起,或许你早就该死去)
Liquid tylenol, gelatin think my skeletons melting (泰诺吃下去就像是胶质,深入体肤腐蚀我的骨头)
Wicked, I get all high when I think i've smelled the scent (恶念丛生,颅内高潮)
Of elephant manure (就像闻到大象粪便的香气(???))
Hell, I meant Kahlúa, screw it, to hell with it (见鬼,我说的是墨西哥咖啡利口酒,真丫的难喝,但我会带着它下地狱)
I went through hell with accelerance and blew up myself again (催化剂助我我穿梭地狱,炸裂我的肉体)
Volkswagen, talespiin (大众汽车,肮空小英雄(动画))
Bucket matches my pale skin, medal win (正般配我该死的白皮,eminem加一分)
Went from Hellmann's and being rail thin, Filet-o-Fish (就像是没有未来的牢骚网瘾宅男,瘦的就像是排骨,高喊着麦香鱼(天主教徒特定时期不吃肉,只能吃麦香鱼汉堡))
Scribbles JAM Rap Olympics 97 Freaknik (将无聊的rap乱揉一气,就像是所谓奥林匹克的97年春假节)
How can i be down when me and Bizarre in Florida (呆在弗罗里达州这样的穷山恶水我又怎么会倒下)
Proof's room slept on floor of the, motel then (Proof(美国说唱歌手)睡在他汽车旅馆房间的地板上)
Dr. Dre said hell yeah (Dr.Dre(你猜他是谁)说:芜湖)
And i got his stamp like a postcard, word to Mel-Man (我拿着他那张看起来像明信片的邮票,上面写着给Mel-Man(西海岸著名制作人)的话)
And i know they're gonna hate but i don't care, I (我知道他们指定不能接受但我才不在乎)
Barely could wait to hit them with the snare and the bass (硬要说那就等着我用低音和鼓点狠狠的重击他们)
Square in the face, this ****** world better prepare to get laced (那张丑脸,这个屮淡的世界最好有所准备)
Because they're gonna taste my (因为你们即将感受我的)
Venom (毒液(恶意))
(I got that) Adrenaline momentum (venom) (肾上腺素飙升)
Not knowing with 'em (我不需要了解死人)
Never, gonna slow up in 'em (别指望我下手轻柔)
Ready to snap any moment-um (我随时准备着下手)
Thinking it's time to go get em (是时候开始狩猎了)
They ain't gonna know what hit em (他们不会知道是谁下的黑手)
(When they get bitten with the) (当他们发现被什么狠狠的咬了一口,那一定就是)
Venom (毒液)
(I got that) Adrenaline momentum (venom) (肾上腺素飙升)
Not knowing with 'em (我不需要认识尸体)
Never, gonna slow up in 'em (我下手绝不留情)
Ready to snap any moment-um (随时准备出击)
Thinking it's time to go get em (是时候开始狩猎了)
They ain't gonna know what hit em (他们甚至都不知道是谁捅的刀子)
(W-W-When get bit with the) ((被狠狠咬一口吧))
I said knock knock, let the devil in (我说开门吧,放恶魔进来)
Shotgun p-p pellets in the felt pin (霰弹枪喷出的弹丸深深嵌进你还有知觉的双腿)
C**ked, **** around and catch a hot one (疯了吧,你丫晃来晃去没想到接了几发枪子吧)
I I, It's evident i'm not done (没错,这意味着我的活儿还没干完)
V-Venomous, the thought spun like your web (邪恶的念头结成一张大网)
And you just caught in 'em (正巧把你逮到)
Held against your will like a hub cap or a mud flap (堵住你求生的欲望就像是一块挡泥板或是防尘盖)
Be strangled or attacked (你是想被掐死还是被痛揍)
So this ain't gonna feel like a love tap (无论如何都不会是爱抚)
Eat painkiller pills, **** a blood track (多吃点止痛药,去***的毒品)
Like what's her name at the wheel (就像是那个谁来着)
Danica Patrick (Danica Patrick(美国前赛车手))
Through the car into reverse at the end of the nut ration (你猜印第安车赛里那辆车咋了?螺丝松了)
And you look back and it's just mangled steele (你回头看见的,马上就要变成一堆破铜烂铁)
My Mustang and Jeep Wrangler grill (我的野马,我的宝贝吉普牧马人)
With the front smashed, much as my rear fender, assassin (它的正面和后挡泥板都给撞得稀碎)
Slim be the combination of an actual kamikaze, and Ghandi (臭**就像是神风特攻队和甘地生下的崽子)
Translation I will, probably kills us both when I end up (翻译过来就是)
Back in India (在我回印度前高低要跟你同归于尽)
You ain't gonna be able to tell what the ***** happened (你不会知道发生了什么的)
End of ya, when you're bit with the (你的结局就是)
Venom (被毒液狠狠咬上一口)
(I got that) Adrenaline momentum (venom) (肾上腺素飙升)
Not knowing with 'em (我不需要认识将死之人)
Never, gonna slow up in 'em (我下手冷酷无情)
Ready to snap any moment-um (如同暗处的毒蛇蠢蠢欲动)
Thinking it's time to go get em (狩猎开始了)
They ain't gonna know what hit em (他们下辈子才知道是谁下的手)
(When they get bitten with the) (当他们)
Venom (被毒液狠狠咬上一口)
(I got that) Adrenaline momentum (venom) (肾上腺素飙升)
Not knowing with 'em (我不需要认识尸体)
Never, gonna slow up in 'em (下手毫不留情)
Ready to snap any moment-um (阴影里蠢蠢欲动)
Thinking it's time to go get em (狩猎时间到了)
They ain't gonna know what hit em (他们无从得知袭击从何而来)
(W-W-When get bit with the) (当他们被什么狠狠咬上一口)
I said knock knock, let the devil in (我说开门吧,放恶魔进来)
Alien,E-E-Eliott phone home ait‘ no telling when this chokehold (异乡的小白脸打电话回家,没说清楚什么脖子就被人掐住)
On this game will end, I'm loco (终局将至,我彻底疯狂)
Became a symbiote so (与我化为一体吧)
My fangs are in your throat, hoe (我的毒牙插进你的喉咙,嘻嘻)
You're steppin with my (猜猜是什么突然咬了你一口)
Venom (是我的毒液)
with the ballpoint pen 'em (我的笔写下的就像)
Gun c**k, bump stock, double augt , buck shot (枪弹,炮弹,双重火力,穿甲弹)
Tied her up to a garrote (将绞刑绳索套上她的脖颈)
Tie a couple knots, fired up and caught (打上双重绳结,火力全开)
Fire juggerknot, punk rock, b*****s going down like Yung Joc (绝对的优势火力,朋克摇滚,贱货们滚下台面就像是Jung Joc(说唱歌手))
Cause the Doc, put me on like sun block (因为Doc将我抬上王座,我刀枪不入就像是隔离霜)
Why the **** not (为什么不呢)
You only get one shot (你只有一次机会)
Ate s**t 'til i can't taste it (我早就赢麻了)
Chased it with straight liquor (几杯烈酒下肚我感觉就来了)
Then paint thinner then drank till I faint (再来点混合酒水,接着喝直到晕厥)
And i wait with a headache and i take anything in (我坐在吧台上头晕目眩,抓到什么就灌什么)
Rectuangular shape, then I wait (装成硬汉的模样,坐在那儿强装没事)
To face the demons I'm bonded to (面对我体内的恶魔)
Cause they're chasing me but i'm part of you (他们都想拥有我的力量,然而我现在是你的一部分)
So escaping me is impossible (所以别想着逃出我的掌控)
I'ma latch on you like a (我与你水乳交融)
Parasite, and I probably ruined your parents life (就像是寄生虫,我迟早摧毁你双亲的生活)
And your childhood too (和你的美好童年)
Cause if i'm the music yall grew up on (如果我就是你从小到大听的音乐)
But I'm responsible for you retarded fools (那我或许真该为你现在弱智的样子负责)
I'm the supervillain, dad and mom was losing their marbles to (我是让你父母气疯了的纯纯大坏蛋)
You marvel that, Eddie Brock is you (你被吓到了?你就是eddie brock啊(毒液宿主))
And i'm the suit, so call me (我会化成你的战衣,所以叫我)
Venom (毒液)
(I got that) Adrenaline momentum (venom) (肾上腺素飙升)
Not knowing with 'em (我不需要了解死人)
Never, gonna slow up in 'em (我下手不留情面)
Ready to snap any moment-um (在暗夜里蠢蠢欲动)
Thinking it's time to go get em (狩猎时间开始了)
They ain't gonna know what hit em (我从暗影里出手)
(W-W-When get bit with the) (他们不会知道下手的是)
Venom (毒液)
(I got that) Adrenaline momentum (venom) (肾上腺素飙升)
Not knowing with 'em (我从不去认识将死之人)
Never, gonna slow up in 'em (下手快准狠)
Ready to snap any moment-um (阴影里磨刀霍霍)
Thinking it's time to go get em (狩猎开始辣)
They ain't gonna know what hit em (他们死不瞑目)
(W-W-When get bit with the) (被毒液狠狠的咬上一口)

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