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Starting Over - Cam Kelley
ID 901




Starting Over - Cam Kelley


Starting Over - Cam Kelley

Let’s all take a deep breath (现在让我们一起来深呼一口气)
Because it’s fun to make to the end of a course of paeans on the tip of this nation (一起来为这个国家谱写一曲最后的赞歌)
Grasp your caps, mint gum, bring newspapers to the grounding (抓起你的帽子,咀嚼口香糖,将手里的报纸扔到地上)
Nothing left to do but party, cause the rules are bound (除了那些政党们,我们什么都做不了,因为被这个世界的规则所束缚)
Try to round the ******* din, try to bow each other (试图绕过这扰人的喧嚣,试图互相鞠躬)
Granny never had a word on me (奶奶一句话都没和我说)
But now we’re all down and wait for this mess (现在的我们都很失落,默默地等候着这片混乱)
Nothing they can do now best for test (他们现在最好能做的就只有等待检验)
I’m on the top of the world, ready to take the next step (我感觉正站在世界的顶端,随时准备采取下一步举措)
Deep breath, long step, to the end we rap (深呼一口气,迈开漫长的一步, 到最后我们大声地喊出来)
The truth, stay real to what you believe in (真理就是始终对你的信仰予以真实的肯定)
Nobody continue when the classy go teaching (没有人会继续从事这优等的教学工作)
I wish you a luck and wherever you go (我祝愿你无论走到哪里都好运连连)
Follow the road but take the path (沿着这条路走,但是得走小路去)
Let’s follow beyond the playground back in the day (让我们一起重回到那天的操场上)
Run the street from the game and go your own way (在道路上追逐打闹,在自己喜欢的路上奔跑)

Hey yo, I’m down, gonna lock in moting bluster here like a bowling coming out of hogan (嘿哟,我现在很失落,感觉自己快被锁起来了,就像一颗保龄球咆哮着滚向终点)
I’m written refresh, just start it over (我要重新振作起来,一切重新开始)
I’m not stuck here any more reaching out for new goals to go for (我不再困于这里只为找到一个新的可以追寻的目标)
( You know the standards are so high ) (你知道这标准是如此之高)
( What do you have to strive for ) (不断问自己到底还要争取什么)
( The new goals to go for ) (新的目标就会有了)

I’ll be climbing the rounds (我会不断地向上爬)
None of them is strong, cause when I move on, all fall back to the bout (他们中没有一个是强大的,因为当我继续前进时,所有的一切又会回到原点)
Let’s get them move on, what’s your upbeat, don’t stay (让我们一起鼓舞他们继续前进吧,变得乐观一点,永远不要挺留在原地)
You’re tremendous is gone ((对他们说)你们所谓的强大已成过去)
We’re gone and set it fade away (我们走了,你们的强大也消失了)
But for now I have them all looking at me (现在我要让他们都看着我)
What the hell wouldn’t they, I’m the best to beat (问问他们是不是应该下地狱,这是击败他们最好的方法)
I can tell you what to do, but keep your mind on the price (我可以告诉你该怎么做,但要保持你的头脑的清醒)
Won’t you make the meal (问你愿不愿接受这一切)
Then relax and hold your head high, sky-high (然后放松和保持你脑袋的高度,天空的高度)
No more to climb (没有更多的需要攀登拼搏的事)
I’m gonna leave my mind back and find new memories to build (我要离开我的脑海去寻找新的记忆来建立我自己)
My life’s been the moment, attack of opportunities (我的生命在这个时刻随时可能被攻击)
But don’t make a laugh, I ain’t over three (但是不要笑,事不过三)
I’m relived to chains leaving to achieve (我要重温那些被我留下等待被实现的东西)
I hope it all feel the same way, it’s me (我希望这一切都有同样的感觉,这就是我)
I’m gonna miss my dad mom,brother mom, mama-papa (我开始想念我的爸爸,哥哥和妈妈)
Assure it’s elegant to miss the drama (我保证一切都会很优雅而不是戏剧般催泪)

Hey yo, I’m down, gonna lock in moting bluster here like a bowling coming out of hogan (嘿哟,我现在很失落,感觉自己快被锁起来了,就像一颗保龄球咆哮着滚向终点)
I’m written refresh, just start it over (我要重新振作起来,一切重新开始)
I’m not stuck here any more reaching out for new goals to go for (我不再困于这里只为找到一个新的可以追寻的目标)
I’m down, gonna lock in moting bluster here like a bowling coming out of hogan (我现在很失落,感觉自己快被锁起来了,就像一颗保龄球咆哮着滚向终点)
I’m written refresh, just start it over (我要重新振作起来,一切重新开始)
I’m not stuck here any more reaching out for new goals to go for (我不再困于这里只为找到一个新的可以追寻的目标)

Victory is ours (胜利属于我们)
We’re living life, we’re star (我们活着我们就是明星)
We party till tomorrow and take what isn’t ours (直到明天我们政党采取的一切都不属于我们)
But hey, that’s what graduates do (但是,嘿,这是一切的结束)
And that’s why we’re here to celebrate (这就是为什么我们在这里庆祝)
Listen to the crowd, it’s a cheer for you (倾听着人群中的声音,这是在为你们欢呼)
Into three a cut and ear to your changing thing, changing thing (随意倾听你们所要的改变的事情,改变的事情)

( You take all that ain’t your all that power ) (你们拿走的那些不是你们所有的力量)
( I’m aware of what you have inside of you ) (我知道了你们内心所想要的东西)
( I’m threw to whatever you love ) (我把你们想要的东西扔给了你们)

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